Hi, !
In this newsletter: -What the heck is NaNoWriMo? -Meet my 😍 forbidden lust -New blog post -Deals from fellow authors -Signed author copy - winners announced!
Every November since 1999, thousands of writers have been rolling up their sleeves, putting their housework on hold, and embarking on a creative endeavor I will never quite understand: NaNoWriMo – National Novel Writing Month.
Pronounced nano-rye-moe, it is a contest (sort of?) with no prize–unless you count the certificate of completion at the end. To receive that distinction, participants must write and submit an entire novel of at least 50,000 words during the month of November. 🤯 Every writer who reaches this goal is declared a winner and awarded the coveted certificate.
However, only around 12% of participants will make it that far.
This statistic doesn't surprise me considering that no pre-written prose is allowed. How do the contest admins police this? Well, I'm sure they must be able to tell a copied-and-pasted work from a freshly typed one, but it doesn't mean they can prevent a person from typing out a previously written piece. I suppose there's not much joy in cheating (not to mention retyping 50k words!) when the prize is essentially your own sense of accomplishment.
At any rate, I won't be participating in the exercise. Here's an eight-second TikTok video poking fun at it! Why the disdain? My writing pace is extremely slow to the point where sometimes I swear it even travels backward, so I'm happy to leave that kind of pressure to the more prolific writers of the world. Kudos if you're one of them!