The Case For Optimism Kevin Kelly makes a compelling case for why we should adopt the stance of optimism whenever we can:
- Pre-visualize success: is extremely difficult to create a desirable future without first envisioning it. To imagine is really the first step in creating anything.
- Healthy resilience: Optimism equips people a greater ability to deal with hardship, and less stress in their lives. Optimism can be learned, especially by children.
- Long-termism: Optimism enables us to reach good and great things beyond the capability of a single generation.
Lost at sea: the man who vanished for 14 months In November 2012, Salvador Alvarenga went fishing off the coast of Mexico. A storm hit and he sent out a desperate SOS. It was the last anyone heard from him – for 438 days, until he washed up onto an atoll in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
No Regrets: Living a Life Looking Forward "Living without regrets is freeing. Rather than spending your time looking back, you can spend your time moving forward. Rather than obsessing about what could have been, you can take that energy and create what you want for the future. Rather than allowing something negative to define you, you can choose to reframe it into a springboard to achieve your dreams."
The Intangible Skills You Can't Interview For There are some skills that are crazy valuable, but so hard to sniff out in an interview. Here's a selection: - Cut through on crappy tasks (hitting 80-90% of their peak on work that they despise) - Giving (and receiving) diagonal feedback
Tip from me: Giving potential hires take home assignments in the interview process simulating a part of what they might need to do in their role helps you get a little more insight into this.