CJF Ministries



1. Praise God, He has opened the way to begin an online Bible Study geared to ultra-Orthodox believers and seekers! Please pray for the participants to grow in their faith (or come to faith), and pray that more will join us.

2. Praise God for an unsaved ultra-Orthodox man who has started reading the New Testament and has been encouraging others to do the same. These men are not "seekers". They are reading it for educational and cultural reasons. Please pray that the Lord will reveal Himself to them in the process.

3. Praise God for the many ministry opportunities He has given to me. Please pray that He will continue to open up many more occasions to serve Him and to impact others through in-person presentations.

From my heart to yours, thank you for your partnership in prayer, in finances, and in encouragement!

Yours for the salvation of Israel,

Diann Parkas




CJF Ministries

PO Box 220

Hopatcong, NJ 07843

973-919-8503 Cell

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