AAMT e-news

for the Australian mathematics education community

5 June 2018

HP Kids Fund program – technology grants

Australian primary and secondary schools are invited to apply for one of fifty $10 000 technology grants by creating a short video (max. 60 seconds) that demonstrates how receiving an HP Kids Fund grant could help their school become more innovative and help students to achieve better STEM learning outcomes.

Each school that submits an application will receive 6 months of complimentary access to Code Camp World, an e-learning platform that helps to teach kids how to code.

Hurry – applications close 18 June 2018. Go to https://kidsfund.thehphub.com

Australian IMMC results

Congratulations to the teams from Radford College (ACT) and Baulkham Hills High School (NSW) whose entries were judged the best of 12 national finalists in the International Mathematical Modelling Challenge (IM2C).

Their entries will now be judged against 54 team solutions and reports from around the world in the IM2C 2018 international round.

For more information see www.immchallenge.org.au.

Aboriginal Summer School for Excellence in Technology and Science

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Year 10 students who are interested in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) are invited to apply to attend the Aboriginal Summer School for Excellence in Technology and Science (ASSETS) – a free nine-day summer school held across the 2018/19 summer holidays in Townsville, Newcastle and Adelaide.

Hurry – Applications close 12 June 2018. Go to www.csiro.au/en/Education/Programs/Indigenous-STEM/ASSETS/ASSETS-UpcomingSS.

Maths300 update

The Maths300 website has just received its first significant update since being acquired by AAMT last year. This is the first step in building a brand new website with more features and redesigned lessons. You can find a free sample of an updated lesson for Multo! Better than Bingo! and sign up to receive Maths300 bulletins directly by email.

[featured resource] Leaning to Love Math

Judy Willis

Tapping into research on how the brain works, this book presents a practical approach for how teachers can motivate and assist students to improve negative attitudes towards mathematics and reduce maths anxiety.

Relevant for the classroom practitioner, curriculum leaders will also find many ideas to stimulate discussion and guide teachers to improve methodologies.

#ASCD102 $32.00 * AAMT members $25.60 *


[reduced] Patterns in Mathematics (Lower)

Leanne Burgess

This collection of blackline masters is designed to encourage younger students to begin to observe, describe, extend and create patterns. Activities vary from simple shape and colour patterns to number sequences and finding rules.

#RIC005 $25.00 * AAMT members $20.00 *

While stocks last


Other news

The articles below were posted to AAMT's Facebook and LinkedIn pages and Twitter feed, and link to various sites:

Roblox follows Minecraft into the education market

We Should Teach Math Like It's a Language

The Slippery Math of Causation

Review looks at possible gaming of maths in ATARs

'Schools need to react quickly': Education expert urges smartphone ban

Encouraging Persistence in Math

Experts: our STEM curriculum needs urgent change

A little bit of effective feedback goes a long way in the classroom

Boys twice as likely as girls to claim to be a maths 'natural'

3 great tips for experiential learning

Western Australian Government driving future jobs, future skills with first ever STEM skills strategy

Why the best teacher in the world says other countries should be more like China

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