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AFS 國際文化交流 2019年9-10月通訊
AFS Hong Kong Newsletter (Sep - Oct 2019)

最新動向 / NEWS

Join AFS Year Exchange Program - A Life-Changing Experience!

2020-21 一年交流計劃現正接受報名! 根據過往舊生的經驗,在中學階段出外交流一年,有助學生提升溝通能力、適應未來社會及找到人生目標。所以,如果你或身邊有親友是介乎15-18.5歲的中學生,現在就點撃以下按鈕了解詳情或登記參加講座!

2020-21 Year Exchange Program is now opens for applications! Based on the experience of our returnees, an exchange year at secondary school stage helps students to improve communication, adapt to the future world and find their goal. So if you / your family and friends are students aged 15-18.5, click the following buttons now to learn more or sign up for a info seminar!

了解詳情 / Learn More
參加講座 / Join a Seminar

成為今年的接待家庭! / Become Our Host Families This Year!

今年的接待交流生已經抵達香港了! 不過,其中一些交流生仍然住在短期接待家庭。所以,如果你希望了解其他國家的文化,現在仍有機會! 只需點撃按鈕,留下簡單資料,我們將會與你聯絡!

Host students this year have arrived in Hong Kong! However, some of them are still living at a temporary host family. So if you are interested in knowing other countries' culture, we still offer host family opportunities! Just leave your information by clicking the button!

成為AFS獎學金贊助人! / Become an AFS Scholarship Sponsor!

幫助有潛力但難以負擔交流費用的香港中學生,讓他們可以參與一年交流計劃! 目前我們的AFS獎學金仍然需要贊助人,現在就點撃以下按鈕了解更多!

Help Hong Kong secondary school students who are full of potential but with financial difficulties, offer them the opportunity to join our year exchange program! Now we are still looking for sponsors for AFS scholarship. Click the button now to learn more!

成為接待家庭 / Become a Host Family
了解詳情 / Learn More

提名你心目中的最佳義工! / Nominate Your 'Best Volunteer'!


To recognize contribution and commitment of AFS volunteers, we have a volunteer award every year. This year, we hope to offer AFSers a chance to participate in the nomination process as well. If you already have someone in mind, don't forget to fill in the form on or before 30 September!

參加AFS義工日! / Sign Up for AFS Volunteer Day! 

AFS 義工日又來了! 今年的活動將於11月30日在沙田突破青年村舉行,包括好玩的桌遊時間及一年一度的義工週年大會! 現在就登記參加吧! 記得邀請其他義工朋友一同參加!

AFS Volunteer Day 2019 is coming up! This year we will host the event on 30 November at Breakthrough Community in Sha Tin, which includes a fun board game session and the annual volunteer forum! Register now with your volunteer friends!

填寫提名表格 / Fill in the Nomination Form
參加義工日 / Join the Volunteer Day



We shared many AFSers' stories on the previous newsletter, including the experiences of our returnees, host families, volunteers. In fact we have collected much more wonderful stories in the past years, which includes AFSers' personal sharing, media and principal interviews, etc. Let's click the button to visit our new sharing platform now!

閱讀更多 / Read More


海外交流計劃 / Overseas Exchange Program

出發前導向營 / Pre-Departure Orientation Camp

2019-20年度交流生現正陸續出發! 為了幫助他們好好準備未來一年的生活,40多位AFS義工在七月舉辦了導向營! 期間大家除了分享過去的經驗,還設計了不同的遊戲同討論環節,讓交流生更了解自己即將會面對既挑戰! 特別感謝主辦這次導向營的 Antonia, Jason, Lemon, Superman!

Our 2019-20 Hong Kong exchange students are departing now! To better prepare them for the exchange year, more than 40 AFS volunteers hosted a Pre-Departure Orientation Camp in July. Apart from sharing personal experience, our volunteers also designed different games and discussion sessions for students to understand the challenges ahead. Special thanks to our persons-in-charge of this camp Antonia, Jason, Lemon and Superman!

回港後導向營 / Re-Entry Orientation Camp

歡迎2018-19年度交流生回港! 我們一眾學生招募組的義工於八月為這些剛回來的交流生舉辦了導向營! 特別感謝主辦這次導向營的 Joyce, Man Man, Superman, Ashley,規劃了不同活動,幫助交流生重新適應香港的生活、反思自己過去一年的學習及投入香港的AFS社群!

Welcome 2018-19 exchange students back to Hong Kong! In August our recruitment team volunteers hosted an orientation camp for these students! Special thanks to our persons-in-charge of this camp Joyce, Man Man, Superman and Ashley for designing different activities to help students in re-adapting to Hong Kong life, reflecting on their learning in the past year and join the AFS Hong Kong community!

接待計劃 / Hosting Program

到港前 & 到港導向活動  / Pre-Arrival & Arrival Orientation Activities

今年所有來自不同國家的交流生都已經於八月底抵港啦! 辛苦支援義工隊長幫忙舉辦到港前的導向會、多位First Friend協助剛到港的交流生、在機場及到港導向活動幫忙的義工,當然還有充滿愛心的香港家庭,願意接待我們的交流生! 

All foreign exchange students this year have arrived in Hong Kong at the end of August! Big thanks to all support volunteer leaders who helped to organize pre-arrival orientations, all First Friends who assisted students upon their arrival, all volunteers who helped at the airport and arrival orientations, of course also our host families who are full of love and willing to host our exchange students!

不想再錯過精彩的AFS活動? 請留意我們的社交網站!
Follow us on social media so that you won't miss the next awesome AFS activity!

Copyright © 2019 AFS Intercultural Exchanges. All rights reserved. 

AFS Intercultural Exchanges 
is an international, voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit organization which has been dedicated to promoting international exchange activities for decades.

We are also a charitable institution which is exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance in Hong Kong
