The Big Rocks and the Jar: A Lesson in Making Priorities "Unless you first place the big rocks into the jar, you are never going to get them in. The big rocks are the important things in your life …your family, your friends, your personal growth. If you fill your life with small things…you will never have the time for the important things."
The Psychology Of Money Another masterpiece by Morgan Housel. Learn about the 20 biases that form the psychology of money. A must-read.
- "Investing is not the study of finance. It’s the study of how people behave with money."
- "The first rule of compounding is to never interrupt it unnecessarily".
Meet The Man Who Flies Around The World For Free Read about the plane-bound life of 25-year-old Ben Schlappig, a travel hacker who flies around the world for free. Fun fact: One of my hobbies used to be collecting credit card points. I'm now sitting on a pile of ~1 million miles, waiting for the next time I can travel.
My First Modern Friend Have you ever had a friend you felt close to, but had never actually met in person? This was Josh and I. Read about a special friendship across two continents that started in the early 2000s.
Trevor McKendrick's Library A treasure trove of thoughtful articles, carefully curated by Trevor McKendrick. Learn about society, science, technology, business and more. While you're at it, consider subscribing to his newsletter.