As you may recall, last month I participated in National Novel Writing Month, which is a "contest" to write a 50,000-word manuscript during the month of November.
Unfortunately, I fell short of that, coming in just shy of 17,000 words.
However, I'm not counting it as a complete failure. It gave me a much needed boot in the butt to get going on Dragonfly, book 3 in my Syd Brixton TimeBlink series. And guys...I'm SO excited about how it's turning out already!
Unlike TimeBlink and Flight 444, you won't be able to read Dragonfly as a standalone story since it picks up where book 2 left off.
But I have some good news if you can't justify purchasing my books right now...
Did you know that you can get them from your public library?
For the digital version, it's as simple as signing up to OverDrive, where you'll have access to my series and millions of books absolutely free. If you prefer paperbacks or hardcovers, all you need to do is ask your local library to order them in for you. Presto! Free books to borrow any time you like.
Anyway, happy reading, everyone! I wish you and your family a safe and happy holiday season.