While underway in the Singapore Strait, the engine crew of the Liberian-flagged Tanker FRONT EAGLE (IMO: 9855343) observed three perpetrators near the engine room. The master activated the general emergency alarm and mustered the crew to conduct a thorough search aboard the ship.
No perpetrators were found, and nothing was reported stolen. The crew remained unharmed, and no further assistance was necessary. The vessel continued its voyage to Daesan, Republic of Korea.
The Master reported the incident to the Singapore Vessel Traffic Information System (VTIS). Safety broadcasts were initiated to advise all ships to maintain a vigilant anti-piracy watch in the Singapore Strait. The Republic of Singapore Navy's (RSN) Maritime Security Task Force (MSTF) and Singapore Police Coast Guard (PCG) were informed of the incident, and the information was shared with Indonesian authorities.
This incident brings the total number of confirmed incidents in the region to at least 47 this year, with 34 of those incidents exhibiting similar characteristics and occurring within the Singapore Strait area.