In every newsletter, we share a summary of how IEA studies have progressed in recent months. This includes an overview of IEA's flagship studies and other studies that IEA is a part of.
IEA and Boston College are pleased to announce that process data from the PIRLS 2021 digital assessment is available in the IDB open-access for researchers to use. Access the data in the PIRLS 2021 IDB.
IEA offers two annual awards to recognize high-quality empirical research that makes use of IEA data to encourage and promote outstanding research. Winners receive a prize of €1,000. The deadline for applications is 31 March.
Other News and Events
IEA was delighted to participate in a workshop hosted by the National Institute for Educational Policy Research. Dirk Hastedt, Diego Cortes, and Umut Atasever presented on TIMSS.
IEA has a presence at CIES Miami from 10–14 March, come and find our exhibition booth with the ILSA Gateway at R20.
IEA offers researchers the opportunity to develop their research projects using the expertise of the Research and Analysis Unit at the IEA Hamburg office. Apply for the Academic Visitor Program by 31 March.
IEA, in collaboration with experts from the American Institutes for Research and the University of Missouri, look forward to jointly hosting a full-day course at the AERA Annual Meeting in Philadelphia from 10–14 April.
Student well-being has emerged as a topic of considerable interest to both researchers and educators. The first report in the new PIRLS Insights series, Aspects of Student Well-Being and Reading Achievement in PIRLS 2021, examines possible relationships between reading achievement and factors that may impact students' well-being. Read the report.
The ICILS 2023 Assessment Framework serves as a foundational resource to describe the assessment’s context, constructs, and design, encompassing both computer and information literacy and computational thinking. Read the Assessment Framework.
The IERI journal, Large-scale Assessments in Education, continues to publish regularly and has released four new articles since January 2024. Recent titles can be found here.
Using data from PIRLS 2021, this European Commission report investigates the impact of school-based bullying on fourth-grade students' reading performance to expand on the existing knowledge on the effects of bullying on academic outcomes. The report can be found here.
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