The addition of three new state parks certainly has sparked interest and excitement. Several people sent word that they were putting Vosburg Neck high on the list of places to visit.
Yes, we ARE working on the updated Pennsylvania State Parks & State Forests Passport. These additions came at an opportune time as our stock is low and we were planning a reprint soon. Of course, that comes with challenges as well!
Bear in mind a few things - the names given last week are not necessarily the final names and the three areas are in various states of development. Mostly they are UN-developed, although Vosburg Neck has infrastructure and a bit of a jumpstart on planning. So we need to make a decision on things like how to do the layout (parks and forests are alphabetical so what happens if the names do change ...); quantity to be printed (bearing in mind the possibility of changes); and where to steer people to get their all important stamps!
In the meantime, Vosburg Neck does grace the masthead this week in a photo shared by DCNR. Greg Deibler notes in the comments that "[t]he neck is also home to one of the longest and best preserved segments of the original North Branch Canal...which you can see in this photo. The rest of its route was either taken over by the railroad or buried long ago, so hopefully PHMC can lend some resources to mark the site and help preserve it."
Very cool!