AAMT e-news

for the Australian mathematics education community

23 April 2018

EGMO results

Australia's first team in the European Girls' Mathematical Olympiad has finished 20th out of 52 countries. The team achieved strong results with Grace He finishing with a silver medal, Alice Zhang and Ellen Zheng both receiving bronze medals, and Yifan Guo an honourable mention. Detailed results can be found at www.egmo.org/egmos/egmo7/scoreboard and the team's blog at https://ausegmo.wordpress.com. Congratulations to all involved!

AAMT conference keynote speaker

AAMT is pleased to announce the first of the keynote speakers at its forthcoming 2019 conference will be James Tanton of Exploding Dots fame!

The conference will be held 9–11 July 2019 in Brisbane so mark the dates in your diary now. More details about the conference will be available later this year.

New ICMI study book

The 23rd ICMI study "Building the Foundation: Whole Numbers in the Primary Grades" is now available to download for free from  

This is the first ICMI study to address mathematics teaching and learning in the primary school (and pre-school) setting, and looks at the broad area of Whole Number Arithmetic (WNA), including operations and relations and arithmetic word problems.

2018 Kronosaurus Korner School Challenge

This year’s problem-solving team challenge is in two parts, and, due to the wide range of outcomes possible, is designed to appeal to a range of students from Years 5–9.

Teams of 3–5 may start the Challenge whenever they wish and must submit their work no more than one month after starting; 19 October 2018 is the deadline for submissions to the site.

Participation is free. For more information, go to www.kronosauruskorner.com.au/visit-us/education-schools/school-challenge

[featured resource] Problem Solving: The Creative Side of Mathematics

Derek Holton

Written in a chatty, accessible style, the author suggests different approaches to the solutions of a number of familiar (and not so familiar) problems, with each problem developing into a conjecture and then a generalization. Readers are encouraged to leave the text to do their own thinking and then return either in triumph or frustration!
Accessible to most secondary students with a knowledge of number and some basic logic skills—and noting that little bit of algebra is also helpful—this book provides lots of opportunities for problem solving and reasoning.

#MA2008 $50.00 * AAMT members $40.00 *


[special] Teaching Mathematics through Problem Solving: Prekindergarten-Grade 6

Frank K. Lester Jr. (ed.)

A collection of articles by a variety of authors are grouped into four sections: ‘Issues and Perspectives’, ‘In the Classroom’, ‘The Role of Technology’ (which addresses not only the role that technology can play but also what it cannot do in helping teachers use a problem-based approach), and a final chapter which presents a research perspective. Incorporated throughout is a collection of ‘Teacher Stories’, in which individual teachers share their own experiences of teaching mathematics through problem solving.

While stocks last.

#NCT001 $30.00 * AAMT members $30.00 *


Other news

The articles below were posted to AAMT's Facebook and LinkedIn pages and Twitter feed, and link to various sites:

Student-Centered Planning

Wait Time Can Make or Break Your Lesson

Promoting Productive Struggle in Math

Mathematicians Explore Mirror Link Between Two Geometric Worlds

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