JULY 2023
1. Application deadline 02.08.2023
2. Current number of registered formations by individual days • Wednesday 215 • Thursday 141 • Friday 190 • Saturday 139
3. Change of program Due to overfilling the capacity of the Wednesday program (23.08), the discipline must be 2 BAT, age category
a) senior women solo, duo-trio, mini formations moved to Friday 25.08.
b) junior women mini formation also moved to Friday 25.8., currently there are only two applications and a merger with senior women is expected, but in the event that discipline 2 BAT of junior women mini formation is added to the number of five, then it can remain in the program on Wednesday (23.08) together with 2 BAT junior solo and duo-trio
c) MACE-moved to WCH-Friday 25.8.
d) solo ACROBATIC BATON (twirling) included in the WMC (new discipline).
For this discipline, the general parts of the rules for majorette sport apply, without mandatory elements, without the need to fulfill the costume requirements for BATON
4. Accommodation options • order form (form) published on • the capacity of overnight stays is limited • cancellation fee in case of accommodation cancellation 15%
5. Entry fee · The entry fee (starting fee) is paid in each competition round, on the basis of an invoice issued in cash or on account. · WCH, ECH – group/120 euros, mini/50 euros, duo-trio/40 euros, solo/30 euros · WMC, EMC – group/110 euros, mini/40 euros, duo-trio/30 euros, solo/20 euros
1. Ukončení přihlášek je stanoveno na 02.08.2023
2. Současný počet přihlášených formací dle jednotlivých dnů · středa 215 · čtvrtek 141 · pátek 190 · sobota 139
3. Změna programu Z důvodu přeplnění kapacity středečního programu (23.08), musí být disciplína 2 BAT, věková kategorie
a) seniorky sólo, duo-trio, mini formace přesunuty na pátek 25.08.
b) juniorky mini formace rovněž přesunuty na pátek 25.8., aktuálně jsou jen dvě přihlášky a předpokládá se sloučení se seniorkami, ale v případě, že by se disciplína 2 BAT juniorky mini formace ještě doplnila do počtu pěti, pak může zůstat v programu ve středu (23.08) společně s 2 BAT juniorky sólo a duo-trio
c) MACE-přesunuto na WCH-pátek 25.8.
d) sólo ACROBATIC BATON (twirling) zařazeno na WMC (nová disciplína).
Pro tuto disciplínu platí obecné části pravidel pro mažoretkový sport, bez povinných prvků, bez nutnosti plnit požadavky kostýmu pro BATON
4. Možnosti ubytování · objednací list (formulář) zveřejněn na · kapacita noclehů je omezená · storno poplatek v případě zrušení ubytování 15 %
5. Startovné Předpisy (faktury) na úhradu startovného budou vystaveny po ukončení přihlášek
WCH, ECH – skupina/3 tis. Kč, mini/1250 Kč, duo-trio/1 tis. Kč, sólo/750 Kč WMC, EMC – slupina/2750 Kč, mini/1 tis. Kč, duo-trio/750 Kč, sólo/500 Kč
Czech Television supports majorette sport
After broadcasting the cuts from the finals of Radotín, Karviné and the EC in Novigrad, a recording will be made of the WC in Ostrava
Česká televize podporuje mažoretkový sport Po odvysílání sestřihů z finále Radotín, Karviné a ME v Novigradu, bude pořízen záznam z MS v Ostravě
Looking back at the 10th jubilee year of the Jiří Necid Memorial (MJN)
"Friends of the majorette sport, I greet you and wish you fair sporting performances at the Jiří Necid Jubilee Memorial. My memories of Mr. Necid are still very vivid, he was a man who sacrificed everything for his goal.
Mrs. Pavelková took over the joys, beauty, but also responsibility and worries from him as a baton. Appreciate the opportunity to participate in the competitions of our largest majorette sports federation!"
Your Mgr. Milan Ludvík, Olomouc.
This is how Mr. Milan Ludvík, pedagogue, member of the board of instructors and initiator of the establishment of the MJN competition, greeted the competition from a distance. He carried the first three years as an organizer in Olomouc.
The two-day Jiří Necid Memorial competition was included in the advanced competitions and is dedicated to the founder of the majorette groups and small formations, which laid the foundation for the emergence of the majorette sport. Mr. Necid supported the efforts of groups and small formations to annually present new movement compositions, new choreographic ideas, elements and formations, regardless of nationality, so that they correspond to the current taste, musical and movement sensibility of the young generation.
He proved that the majorette sport is close to Tyrš's legacy, it leads children and young people to move through regular exercises, and competitions to compare performances.
The first competition show of majorette groups, when the first rules began to be written, took place in 1994 in Hranice, and this was the basis of the development that showed the next path, and it brought to the world the Championship of the Czech Republic in majorette sport. The author was ahead of his time with his idea, the majorette movement from Hranice spread across Europe, but it encountered obstacles, one of which was a misunderstanding from supporters of majorettes as an accompaniment to bands. Bands had a tradition of festivals in their time, and majorettes were their decoration. Today it is different, brass bands have decreased as well as festivals, but majorettes are increasing. A good idea doesn't disappear, said Mr. Necid, and he was right, majorettes remained a leisure activity. However, the popularity of the majorette sport is great, newly founded associations are increasing, they are copying the majorette sport, including organizing international competitions, and thus splitting the uniformity of its development.
No other country has yet the current quantity and performance level of majorettes joining the Czech Federation of Majorette Sports, and what is important, history began to be written in Hranice.
The jubilee, the 10th year of the Jiří Necid Memorial, was included by the city of Hranice in the cooperation project of partner cities and the Opole Voivodeship and was held with its financial support and partial support from the Olomouc region.
The youngest majorettes, age category up to 7 years old, so-called preparation, greeted the competition first with their performance. They are still little girls who are just getting to know the majorette sport and represented the local club Panenky Hranice.
The flag bearers from the Glory Prague club brought the flags of the participating countries and the flag of the competition onto the field. The competition was officially opened by Mgr. Karel Machyl, deputy mayor. Then the Czech anthem was played as the one of host country, then in alphabetical order the anthems of Kazakhstan, Poland and Slovakia.
The competition was also greeted by Mrs. Jolanta Belko, for the partner cities and the Opole Voivodeship, Mrs. Ivana Poláková, director of last year's, IX. year, in Karviná, Mr. Milan Vinkler, witness and co-organizer of the finals of the first six years in Hranice, Mr. Josef Doležel, president of the International Federation of Majorettes Sport and Mrs. Marta Pavelková, for the Czech Federation of Majorette Sport, who added, among other things, that the tenth year is being held in the year of Mr. Necid's 85th birthday, which he did not live to see.
Majorette Kateřina Jarošová from the SK Provo Brno club thanked on behalf of all the contestants, in the beginning of her speech she said: "On behalf of all the majorettes, I thank you for accepting and organizing this competition and the city of Hranice for supporting the competition and also for including it in the cooperation program of partner cities. This is the way to the fact that sometime next time, one of the other partner cities can have the honor of hosting."
From foreign events
Mažoretkowy Zoowrót Glowy - Piastowski Castle in Raciborz 18.6.2023
The main judge, Ms. Monika Bergerová, delegated me together with Ms. Eva Dudová judges for the majorette competition in Poland. The main organizer was the Stowarzyszenie kultury ziemy Raciborskie. The majorette competition took place on Sunday, June 18, 2023, in an unconventional way, in the courtyard of the castle in outdoor areas. Beautiful weather and a friendly atmosphere carried throughout the day.
A total of 94 starters were entered on the start list. The competition was open only to large formations and mini formations in all categories and equipment.
The Czech Republic was represented by the cadet category from the Ballerisimo Hlučín team, and MICHELLE Karviná represented it with the junior category.
Both Czech teams won medals in all their starts.
From the judge's point of view, we have to say that majorette sport in Poland is on the rise, as if even the "Covid break" did not affect it. The number of female members in stage compositions is proof of that. The choreographic maturity and work with equipment is at a very high level. Movement training is on the rise and comparable to Czech groups.
We are looking forward to meeting and comparing performance with Polish friends at the X. World Championship Majorettes sport on August 23.8-25.8.2023 and IV. World Majorettes CUP August 26, 2023 in Ostrava.
Ivana Poláková Ing. Eva Dudová
Mažoretkowy Zoowrót Glowy - Zamek Piastowski w Raciborzu 18.6.2023
Hlavní rozhodčí paní Monikou Bergerovou jsme byly společně s paní Evou Dudovou delegovány jako porotkyně na soutěž v mažoretkovém sportu do Polska. Hlavním organizátorem bylo Stowarzyszenie kultury ziemy Raciborskie . Soutěž mažoretek se konala v neděli 18.6.2023 netradičně, na nádvoří zámku ve venkovních prostorách. Krásné počasí a přátelská atmosféra se nesla celým dnem.
Na startovní listině bylo zapsáno celkem 94 startujících. Soutěž byla otevřena pouze pro velké formace a miniformace ve všech kategoriích a náčiních.
Českou republiku reprezentovala kategorie kadetek z týmu Ballerisimo Hlučín a MICHELLE Karviná reprezentovala s kategorií juniorek.
Oba České týmy si přivezly ve všech svých startech medailová umístění.
Z pohledu porotce musíme říct, že mažoretkový sport v Polsku je na vzestupu, jako by ho ani „Covidová pauza“ nezasáhla. Počet členek v pódiových skladbách je toho důkazem. Choreografická vyspělost a práce s náčiním je na velmi vysoké úrovni. Pohybová průprava je na vzestupu a porovnatelná s českými skupinami.
Těšíme se na setkání a porovnání výkonnosti s polskými přáteli na X. World Championship majorettes sport 23.8. 25.8.2023 a IV. World Majorettes CUP 26.8.2023 v Ostravě.
Ivana Poláková Ing. Eva Dudová
VIII. International Dance Olympiad of Central Asia
We were very pleased with the invitation to the III. Central Asian Dance Sports Olympiad, which took place on June 22-25, 2023 in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan. There was not much time for preparation, information from the organizers was also not many available, but even so it was possible to bring representatives of the majorette sport from the Czech Republic to Kyrgyzstan.
The competition took place in a very nice Gazprom hall, on the outskirts of Bishkek. The competition was organized by Mrs. Oksana Polianichko. During the four competition days, many dance styles were presented on stage by individuals, small formations and groups in all age categories. For us, especially part of the folklore dances in particular had a touch of the exotic. The spectacle was very varied and interesting.
As individual dance styles changed, so did the composition of the jury. The block reserved for twirling and majorettes, in which we were represented both competitively (Irena Vrbová - solo cadet 2 baton) and for the judges' table (Kamila Pečenková), came on Sunday 25/06/2023. In particular, the sets with the pom-pom equipment were at a very high level, both in movement technique and in working with the equipment.
Unfortunately, no large formation was represented, yet the rapidly increasing level of foreign competitors can be seen.
During our short stay, we managed to get to know the interesting places of Bishkek, taste the local cuisine and take a short trip to the nearby mountains.
Despite the long journey and the language barrier, our journey was enriching. We believe that in the future we will be able to draw on information, knowledge and new contacts that we bring back to the Czech Republic together with the gold medal.
Kamila Pečenková
VIII. International Dance Olympiad of Central Asia
Velice nás potěšilo pozvání na III. Olympiádu centrální Asie v tanečních sportech, která se konala ve dnech 22. - 25. 6. 2023 se v Biškeku, hlavním městě Kyrgyzstánu. Času na přípravu nebylo mnoho, informací ze strany pořadatelů také, ale i tak se podařilo dovézt do Kyrgyzstánu zástupce mažoretkového sportu z České republiky.
Soutěž probíhala ve velice pěkné hale Gazprom, na předměstí Biškeku. Organizaci soutěže měla na starost paní Oksana Polianichko. Během čtyř soutěžních dnů se na ploše představilo mnoho tanečních stylů v podání jednotlivců, malých formací i skupin ve všech věkových kategoriích. Pro nás měla nádech exotiky zejména část folklórních tanců. Podívaná to byla velice rozmanitá a zajímavá.
Jako se měnily jednotlivé taneční styly, měnilo se i složení poroty. Blok vyhrazený twirlingu a mažoretkám, ve které jsme měli zastoupení jak soutěžní (Irena Vrbová – sólo kadet 2 baton), tak za porotcovským stolem (Kamila Pečenková), přišel na řadu v neděli 25.6.2023. Zejména sestavy s náčiním pom-pom byly na velmi vysoké úrovni, jak v pohybové technice, tak v práci s náčiním.
Bohužel nebyla zastoupená žádná velká formace, přesto je patrná velmi rychle se zvyšující úroveň zahraničních soutěžících.
Během našeho krátkého pobytu jsme stihli poznat zajímavá místa Biškeku, ochutnat místní kuchyni a udělat si krátký výlet do blízkých hor.
I přes dlouhou cestu a jazykovou bariéru byla naše cesta obohacující. Věříme, že v budoucnu budeme moci čerpat z informací, poznatků a nových kontaktů, které společně se zlatou medailí přivážíme zpátky do Čech.
Kamila Pečenková
Dance Holiday´s u jezera Issyk-Kul
After the end of the competition days, the Dance Holiday's summer camp followed at Lake Issyk-Kul, the content of which was intensive teaching of modern dances, choreography, twirling, majorette sport with stick, fringe and banner equipment. The master class was held in a children's rehabilitation center with a capacity of 600 people, equipped for training, in the town of Čolpon-Ata, about 350 km from Bishkek. There is a separate sandy beach near the hotel, the bottom of the lake is also sandy, clear blue water, the lake at an altitude of 1,609 m, surrounded by mountains with snow-capped peaks.
A new environment, an interesting concept, the organizers would like to welcome ČFMS lecturers, and that is a challenge.
Marta Pavelková
Dance Holiday´s u jezera Issyk-Kul
Po ukončení soutěžních dnů následoval u jezera Issyk-Kul letní tábor Dance Holidady´s, jehož obsahem byla intenzivní výuka moderních tanců, choreografie, twirlingu, mažoretkového sportu s náčiním hůlka, třásně a prapor. Master klas se konal v dětském rehabilitačním centru s kapacitou 600 osob, prostorově pro trénink vybavený, ve městě Čolpon-Ata, vzdáleném od Bishkeku cca 350 km. U hotelu je samostatná písečná pláž, písečné je i dno jezera, průzračná modrá voda, jezero v nadmořské výšce 1 609 m, obklopené horami se zasněženými vrcholy.
Nové prostředí, zajímavé pojetí, organizátoři by rádi uvítali lektory ČFMS, a to je výzva.
Marta Pavelková
Yearbooks 2022 Distribution of yearbooks will start on August 23-26, 2023, at the reception of the Athletic Hall in Ostrava
Ročenky 2022
Distribuce ročenek bude zahájena ve dnech 23.-26.08.2023, v recepci Atletické haly v Ostravě
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