1. Create a Plan
Outline a strategy for the entire family. It should include specific details about evacuation protocols, location of important documents, and where to meet in the event of separation. Write down any plans along with contact information for children.
2. Assemble a First Aid Kit
Especially if you have children, it is smart to always have a first aid kit handy. Your way to the hospital may be too dangerous during extreme weather conditions so always think of your first aid resources.
3. Prepare Food
Prepare food that will last for at least 3 days, even without power. Canned goods and noodles may be the best options since it does not spoil easily. Don’t forget the manual can opener!
4. Make Sure You Have Water
Always have clean water for drinking. You don't want your children to catch any diseases due to unclean drinking water. Prepare for at least 3 days’ worth of consumption because the flood may be longer than a day. Also, fill tubs with water for potable use in case you lose power.
5. Protect Yourself from Contamination
Do not drink from the water supply. This includes water from the faucet, fountain, and other taps. Floodwaters can mix in with the clean water supply, contaminating it and making it unsafe to drink. Officials and news outlets will inform you when the water is safe to drink again. Keep moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties on hand for personal sanitation.
6. Secure Your Home & Belongings
Keep electrical appliances and valuables off the floor. Put your valuables in a place where flood can’t reach them, or in a water-resistant portable enclosure like ClimaGuard’s TPE and have one for your car. Have a whistle to signal for help, flashlights, and batteries stored in a place you will not forget.
7. Check Your Insurance Policies
Flood insurance may not be included in your homeowners, renters or car insurance. Make sure you contact your insurance company to review your coverage and add a flood insurance policy if you don't already have one.
8. Back Up Documents & Records
Important family documents such as copies of insurance policies, identification, and bank account records should be saved electronically or in a waterproof, portable container. If you have important files on your computer, keep a backup of all your files in a cloud storage system.
9. Stay Alert & Heed Warnings
Listen to local TV or radio. Monitor updates online. If authorities order an evacuation, leave immediately, and let friends know where you are! Do not drive into water. Most deaths in a flood result when people try to drive through moving water.
10. Update Your Kit Yearly
Keep canned food in a cool, dry place. Store boxed food in a tightly closed plastic or metal container. Replace expired items as needed. Re-think your needs every year and update your kit as your family’s needs change. Have a kit of emergency supplies in your car too.