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"You have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens."

–Louise L. Hay

Liza Kindred logo with sparkle emoji
5 quick things –
Photo of two smiling women (Liza to the left and her daughter to the right) standing in front of a bright yellow traffic sign that says

Hi beautiful human,

First of all, some of you let me know that last week's link to teenage dolphins getting high on pufferfish toxin stopped working, so I found you a new link. I would hate for anyone to not be able to watch this marvel! :) 

So, I had the most beautiful experience last weekend in Nashville, giving my first-ever keynote address based on the book.

And instead of just being like, "Self care is good, you should do it," I chose to take the harder route: I decided to dismantle the wellness industrial complex piece by piece, to call out shame-based self care, and to present a formula for better options. And then 750+ of us did breathwork and meditation together.

I was really nervous about how it would land, because it was a complex approach–but I felt it was the right one because anything less felt like spiritual bypassing. And in the days since, I've received some really beautiful messages from people telling me that it spoke to their hearts and gave them a great sense of relief. And that makes me feel joy! I want nothing more than for people to feel good about themselves, just as they are.

You can see all the slides from my talk here, if you're interested.

Okay, here's your five things this week. âŹ¬

1. EFF This! community badass-ery

One of my fave things about the EFF This! Meditation community is that I get to see all the cool things that other people are doing. Here are a few things I think are particularly rad this week:

  • Jessica Beese created a really gorgeous "Soul Seeds" affirmation deck and you can get your own through her Kickstarter campaign. I normally don't promote Kickstarters, but I have these cards in my hands and I can tell you, they are gorgeous. A perfect gift, too.
  • Amy B. Scher's bestselling book, This Is How I Save My Life, has had a Kindle price drop to $1.99. I loved the book! And Elizabeth Gilbert called Amy "a brave warrior and wonderful writer" so you know she's legit. It's a true story of someone who (like me) had a terrible journey trying to get doctors to pay attention to her health.
  • The new collaborative fall playlist is up on Spotify! The summer one was so great that we did it again. Come add your fave songs and listen to what others are jamming to. đźŽ¶
  • If you missed all the free downloads last week, you can grab them here with password "LOVE"
diamonds falling through space
2. the earth is us, we are the earth đź’•

Would it surprise you at all to learn that when scientists recorded the sounds of a rock formation moving to the frequency of the earth's natural vibrations, that it sounded like a human heartbeat?? Me neither! Nature is amazing!

So: a geologist is studying why some of the rock formations in Arches Natural Park are collapsing. They believe it might be because human sounds (like noise from planes and cars) are messing with their natural pulsing and movement. As he said:

“These rocks are buzzing with physical energy, and they respond to what we do.”

Click the link and give it a listen, it's so special: Taking the Pulse of Sandstone Tower in Utah | NYTimes

⚡And more proof that nature is amazing: the world's most powerful electric eel species has been found (in the Amazon, of course). I am not making its name up: Electrophorus voltai. It's now officially the strongest known bioelectricity generator. Shocking News | The Guardian

a group of burnt out matches against a pink background
3. pigjaw suzzles 🧩

Turns out puzzle manufacturers often use the same die to cut multiple puzzles. So this artist named Tim Klein goes and finds lots of old puzzles, and pieces them together to make really cool collages.

Scroll through and check them out! They are super cool. Puzzle Montages

Also, I can't stop watching reruns of this jellyfish cam from the Monterey Bay Aquarium. It's weird and soothing.

If you enjoy the email, please share! Got it from a friend? Subscribe here.

my cutie doggie with my book! pink book cover with the purple title
4. my booook is beautiful! ✨

Sneak peek; I haven't posted this anywhere else yet! I just got to hold my upcoming book in my hands for the first time. Here it is with sweet Eddie, our elderly rescue dog. :) Can I just tell you that it is a gorgeous book? Embossed hard cover; pretty, full-color inside pages; and I am loving the the tiny detail that the inside covers are a gorgeous deep purple color. I feel proud.

In a couple of weeks I will start announcing more giveaways for pre-orders. So pre-order yours now if you haven't already to get all the offers as they roll in.

👉 Side note: in the contests, I'll be giving away products exclusively from companies that are woman- and WOC-owned. So if you know someone who has products relating to self care who might want some promo on the community Insta page, send them my way! (No cost, they just send some product and I shout them out to the ~13.8k followers. :)

pale purple background behind a woman's hands holding a blue book
5. three very different book reco's

Here are three awesome books I am enjoying this week:

The late photographer Bill Cunningham was one of a kind. A new book out this week, On The Street: Five Decades of Iconic Photography, celebrates a half century of him turning his admiring eye on the weirdness, the wackiness, and the wealth of NYC street fashion. No one was ever happier to watch people being themselves, and I am grateful to have met the man before he passed. (If you haven't seen the documentary on this life, it is a must see. Truly.)

While it was the title that attracted me first, I Can't Believe It's Not Buddha: What Fake Buddha Quotes Can Teach Us About Buddhism is really good! It teaches how to tell the difference between real and fake Buddha quotes (most are fake, obvs) and also gives little lessons about how even if many are incorrect, they are often correct in spirit.

And finally, I'm trying to make more room for poetry in my life, and so I am loving Mary Oliver's Dream Work. The Pulitzer Prize winner offers us these instructions for life:

Pay attention. 

Be astonished.

Tell about it.

Which, honestly, could be the credo for this newsletter.

I hope you know how worthy you are of love, just the way you are, today. The thing about loving ourselves is that we'll either learn to love ourselves regardless of what we want to change, or we will literally never love who we are. We can't hate ourselves into someone we can love. The only way to feel good enough is to accept that you are good enough already. And friend: you are absolutely, perfectly whole and complete. 

Please know this.



Insta pic of a pink computer screen with bold white letters that say,
Insta pic of a big crowd in a ballroom with Liza giving a presentation on stage
A Twitter post that says,
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Liza Kindred

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