Historic Pleasant Green Missionary Baptist Church is one of the oldest churches in the country and today we are blessed to celebrate our 234th Church Anniversary, forever standing on the promises of God!
Deacons Anthony Wright and Wayne Frazier led us in prayer and song (“Hold To God’s Unchanging Hand” and “‘Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus”) during spirit filled, harmonious Devotions.
Rev. Herbert T. Owens, Jr., Associate Minister, opened morning service with the Call To Worship followed by a procession of the leaders of the church.
The Unison Scripture, Matthew 16:13-18 was led by Trustee Shirley Jones, and our Invocation was lifted up by Deacon Stephon Sims.
The Mass Choir, under the direction of Sister Diane Mabson, blessed us in Song with poignant and inspiring musical selections, including: “We’ve Come This Far By Faith,” “The Lord Will Make A Way Some How,” “We’re Blessed,” and “Let The Church Say Amen.”
Sisters Christa Dunn and Dawn Offutt sang a soul stirring duet, sharing “Give Us This Day,” and Sister Linda Gates led the choir in a beautiful, heartfelt rendition of “Jesus, There Is No One Like You“.
Sister Bettina Wright led the choir and congregation in singing the Morning Hymn, “The Church’s One Foundation,” and Sister Mabson and the choir sang the old time gospel hymn, “Since I Met Jesus.”
Trustee Sabrena Kelly-Lewis extended a hearty Welcome to our guest worshippers, and Deacon Tony and his wife Sister Amanda Horton presented a special Memorial Tribute to brothers and sisters who have passed since our last church anniversary: Sisters Tonya Diane Beatty Adams, Pauline Cunningham, Franceen Drake, Cecilia Lynn Johnson; Brothers Clarence Brown, Rev. Clifton Gay III, C-‘Aveyoun Robinson, Hugh Sterling, and Rev. Harry E. Sykes, Jr.
The Church historian, Rev Herbert T. Owens, Jr., shared a thoughtful Historical Emphasis on the spiritual significance of history through poignant, expressive and highly affective biblical references highlighting the importance of never forgetting the past while embracing the privilege of sharing it with generations to come. There’s wisdom in learning from history!
A joyous tribute on this special occasion was paid to our oldest living Deacon, Richard Burroughs Briscoe, Sr., who celebrated his 100th birthday on October 12, 2024. Deacon Walter J. Speed, Jr., Chairman of the body of Deacons gave a Special Recognition to Deacon Briscoe’s tireless service and lifelong commitment to serving the Lord. He shared how despite the recent pandemic, Deacon Briscoe remained committed and faithful to coming to church and worshiping our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. His grandson, Colonel Keith Jackson shared a moving tribute to his “granddaddy.” He reminded the church of the significance of Genesis 1:1 “In The Beginning …” to our lives today. He expressed how beginnings matter and it started with his grandfather. He shared the impact his grandfather has had and continues to have on his family and the community as a whole. He read a moving proclamation from Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear and reminded all on this special celebratory church anniversary day the importance of remembering all who have paved the way for us.
Deacon Speed presented a special commemorative plaque to Deacon Briscoe for his contributions and labors of love as a deacon to Pleasant Green. Deacon Briscoe then blessed us with his words…“I was called in church when I was ushering at the back door when I was 11 years old….Rev. Jones told the church I was becoming one of the deacons at 11 years old…I couldn’t believe it…and I’ve been here ever since. I’m very grateful and very thankful. I’m very grateful that the Lord kept me and kept me involved at this church.” He shared fond memories of ushering and he has been humbly serving ever since! The church body then serenaded him with a special version of “Happy Birthday!”
Sister Darrylyn Combs Introduced Our Guest Preacher, Rev. Dr. Nathl Moore, Pastor, First African Baptist Church (Lexington, Kentucky).
Rev. Moore preached a powerfully moving and spiritually guided 234th Anniversary Sermon! His subject was “Willing Witnesses For Times Like These” from Psalm 145: stanzas 1-4. One generation shall praise your works to another and declare your mighty acts! “One of the ways that we honor history is by being a witness to history. The church ought to be full of willing witnesses.” He posed the questions…“What should the response of the people of God be to times of uncertainty? What should the response of the people of God be to times of economic turmoil or social unrest? What should the response of the people of God be to times wherein there are questions about who’s going to actually give leadership to the nation of Israel? What should be the response of the people of God when things aren’t the way you expected them to be? What should be your response? Psalms book 5 says your response ought to be to praise the Lord!” “No matter where you find yourself in life, your primary response should still be a response of praise the Lord because the only thing certain about uncertain times is the certainty of a God who is stable and dependable! We serve a God that owns the cattle on a thousand hills! ”One of the ways that you praise the Lord according to Psalm 145 stanza 4 is by being willing witnesses. Rev. Moore said we as a church body ought to be able to testify, “if it had not been for the Lord on our side we would not be here to celebrate 234 years!” He went on to share how David recognized he was a king that sits under a King. David recognized he is a sociopolitical witness. When God put him on the throne he gave him a social agenda. He pointed out that the church should have an impact on the society we live in. He reminded us that David said I’m also a generational witness! “Thank God for Kings like David who understand the validity of unifying a nation.” Rev. Moore reminded us we serve an awesome creator. “I’m so glad we serve a God who has control over all he created! We serve a God that is able to deliver people. I want to let the next generation know…God will make a way some how. They may not know the old hymns but they “need to know the Him in the hymns!!!” Rev. Moore went on to share how David knew he needed to be a generational witness. “Our only praise of God that children see shouldn’t be at church on Sunday. They should know God is God at home every day and not just at church. There’s a generation out there that needs willing witnesses. We need to stop crying about our problems and start praising the Lord!” “Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord! We ought to praise him for 234 years! We need to celebrate our anniversary by sharing our story with the next generation!”
The invitation was extended followed by Deacon Ed Givens’ 234th Church Anniversary Offertory Appeal. The suggested anniversary donation is $100 or what you feel spiritually led to give.
Hurricane victim relief donations are also being accepted by the church and will be sent to the Red Cross.
What a beautiful 234th Church Anniversary Celebration. God truly blessed us with His presence! To God Be The Glory for keeping us together as a church family and for blessing this body of believers to continue to withstand the tests of time!
Submitted by Sister Cathy Black