Control what you can influence!
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Optimizing the efficiency of your ink logistics more than compensates for price rises. The most effective way is by reusing ‘press return’ inks…
The steep raw materials and energy price rises are perhaps the most pressing concern for label and packaging manufacturers right now. For sure, inflation poses a threat to profits and makes forecasting difficult – but it’s how we act in these difficult times that matters the most.
Not much can be done about the prices: a discount, for example, if you were lucky enough to achieve one, brings only a one-off benefit. But by looking for improvements in your internal processes, especially by reducing ink-related waste, you’d be surprised how much control you actually have.
Reusing ‘press return’ inks for big savings
One of the most effective ways to reduce ink waste is by reusing inks left over in the press after a job is completed. These ‘press return’ inks can make up as much as 30 percent of ink consumption. In this newsletter, you can learn how to do this efficiently and get precise colour results – time after time.
Selecting the right ink logistics for your print shop – made simple
We also introduce a new series dedicated to selecting the right ink logistics solutions for your business. As we reveal, this must be a team effort that demands careful thinking about your processes and selection criteria – before evaluation.
‘Cost Iceberg’ puts price rises into perspective
Finally, we repeat our ‘Cost Iceberg’ article, explaining the ‘total applied cost’ of ink. For all the concern, the high ink prices still represent a fraction of the total costs, which mostly result from workflow problems. It reminds us that in these challenging times, optimizing ink logistics should be a priority!
For any comments or questions, please contact us on email or telephone +31 575 568 080.
We wish you pleasant and profitable reading!
Maarten Hummelen, Marketing Director, GSE