Kia ora koutou,
Welcome to our second Link.
Missions Interlink’s current transition period provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the question “why”? Why Missions Interlink? What is our purpose in this season? What is the benefit of being part of MI? These questions have been part of the recent discussions at several MI gatherings as we have considered our values, purposes and functions.
MI is often referred to in terms of three C’s: connect, conduct and converse. We add to this collaboration and catalyse.
I see MI as both an umbrella (or peak body) organisation and a hub of the missions community. As an umbrella organisation it can act as a centre for gathering and distributing information relevant to the whole community. It may highlight a law change that we might have missed, act as representative voice on behalf of the mission community or provide training relevant to many members of MI. A good example of this was the much appreciated Mitigate Conference in 2022, in which lawyers, cyber security experts and others gathered with the MI community for a day of training. Knowing the hourly rate of lawyers, their input alone represented a huge financial saving to the mission community of Aotearoa!
As a hub for the mission community, it is the place of connection. A place to meet up with people who work in a similar area to ourselves – whether that area be geographical or ministry affinity. A place where we can share resources or collaborate for the sake of the Kingdom. A place where we can discuss and learn together.
There is a lot more to being a member of MI than getting Manaaki discounts or a good deal on insurance – though these are some of the more tangible benefits.
Two weeks ago, I attended the funeral of centenarian, Geoff Roberts, who led Missions Interlink (under its former name NZ Evangelical Missionary Alliance) from 1988-1992. More than just the name has changed since the days of Geoff’s leadership. The articles in this Link are addressing partnerships, international students and diaspora involvement in Bible translation, all ministries which may not have been relevant - and certainly not on the scale we see today - in Geoff’s time of leadership. As the world changes and our community changes, so our needs change. However, the core purpose of MI, that of drawing us together for mutual benefit of the Kingdom, remains.
There is great value in being part of the MI community, though it would be impossible to put a dollar value on it. Perhaps we are, at least in part, asking the wrong question. Maybe we need to ask not “What can MI do for me?,” but “What can I do for MI?”
On mission. Together.
Yours in Christ
Joseph Bateson Chair of Missions Interlink (Interim Director)