Stay in Recovery Mode During the Holidays
The holidays are a time for celebration and alcohol is often present at gatherings with friends and family. Despite all of your intentions to stay on track with your recovery, you may be tempted to consume, which may lead to feelings of frustration. This is natural and there are things you can do to cope with those feelings. Here are a few ideas from Mental Health America. Choose two or three of the activities below that you can commit to.
- Breathe: When you’re experiencing a strong emotional response, you may notice your breath getting faster and shallower. By slowing your breathing, you can get more oxygen to your brain and help yourself calm down.
- Journal: Try writing down your feelings. This can help you process the frustration and calm your thinking.
- Spend some time with animals: Do you have a pet or know someone who does? Interacting with animals has been shown to decrease cortisol – a stress hormone – as well as elevate levels of serotonin and dopamine, which promote calm feeling so you can relax.
- Get creative: Art is a great tool for emotional expression. Crafting, drawing, and painting are all healthy ways to channel your frustration into something fun.
- Phone a friend: Reach out to someone you trust who knows your progress. Share your feelings with them and ask for their support and guidance.
When frustration hits, you will have a better chance of staying in recovery mode when you have a plan in place.
Additional Support
Many resources are available to help professionals receive the support they need. The Nebraska Licensee Assistance Program (NE LAP) is one resource that can help. It just takes a phone call to get started.
If you or someone you know is a licensed health care professional and experiencing a substance use disorder, please reach out to the NE LAP at (800) 851-2336 or (402) 354-8055 to begin the recovery process.