Hello from gorgeous cow country in upstate NY! Well, I'm done! The Throne of the Gods is done! I'm already working on the edit, and a few very early readers have privately said that they think the book's pretty good. I'm very excited to share it with you all. As I have done before, I'm setting up a small group of advance readers willing to leave reviews of book 5. The way it works is that you'll get an early copy of book 5 (it will have some errors of grammar and spelling), if you agree to leave a review on Amazon after you finish. The review needn't even be positive :) But I would ask that you leave the review in the month of July, not later. If you think you can read the book fast and you're willing to leave a review, I'll include you in the advance readers' group. Just respond to this email and let me know. And don't forget to tell your friends that the entire Raven Son series is on sale right now. Here's the link you can send them, if you would be so kind. I'll have more information about the launch party for the new book next week. In the meantime, enjoy the latest episode of the Amon Sul podcast, featuring yours truly as guest co-host! And thank you for coming along with me on my writerly adventures! ~Nicky Nicholas Kotar, Author | PO Box 607, Richfield Springs