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Your Source for Conservation News in Washtenaw County
Alfalfa field in late Summer
Big Changes for the Conservation District

A Note from the District Manager:

Thanks to Washtenaw County residents, the Washtenaw County Conservation District's (WCCD) .02, 6-year millage passed with 76% of voter approval on August 4th! This is the first time in over a decade that the WCCD will have general funding for increasing our capacity to serve, funding existing and new programs, and providing matching funds for grant opportunities. 

With increased support from residents we will be much better poised to address your conservation needs across various platforms and methods. For the 2021 fiscal year (starting October 1st), we will launch educational programming (both web-based and in-person events), an updated School & Community Grant program, expanded conservation resources, and more. 

Please consider getting involved in helping to shape the future of the WCCD. Opportunities range from volunteering at the Spring Tree & Shrub Distribution and the Native Plant Expo & Marketplace to serving on newly formed committees and serving on the Board of Directors.  For more information on these opportunities, please visit our website or contact me directly:

Starting on September 1st our new office will be located in the Washtenaw County Services building (705 N. Zeeb Rd, #201, Ann Arbor, MI 48013) alongside Washtenaw County Water Resources Department and Michigan State University Extension! New contact information and office hours will be posted on our website and at our old office space at the USDA office. 

Stay safe & be well,


Backyard Conservation Spotlight

By Tracie Csomos, Washtenaw County Resident

As with most I to am finding many new ways to enjoy my property. I live in the woods on 5 acres and I have 1 acre of nothing but flower gardens. I have over 100 different types of hosts, ferns etc. I so enjoy tending to the garden but this last 5 months I've had more time on my hands and decided to try a vegetable garden.

My husband and son built 4 raised beds and we had to strategically place them in the yard where they could get enough sun light.We put in tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower and lots of herbs.

My yard is a certified wildlife area and my passion is bird watching . I have warblers, grosebeaks, summer and scarlet tanager, orieols , downey, hairy and red belly wood packers. So we decided to start building a screened in room a little farther in the woods to see what other types of birds we can enjoy.

I hope others find peace in their yards during this difficult time that we are all experiencing. Nature is so good for the soul.

Learn More About Rotational Grazing this Fall

Join us for a virtual visit to Baseline Farm this October to dig into the details of the art and science of rotational grazing management. Date is now set for Wednesday, October 14th from 12-1 p.m. This event is hosted in partnership with MSUE. Registration will open on our website starting September 1st. Event is free and open to the public.

New MAEAP Verifications in August
Merritt Road Enterprises

Morley Stevenson, whose farm was verified in its Cropping and Forest, Wetland and Habitat system, has been a great asset to the WCCD for many years.

Beacon Springs Farm

Tom and Marti Burbeck were recently verified in their Farmstead and Cropping systems. 

The Farm on Jennings

Carol Caplan uses organic practices on her farm. A member of the member of the Michigan Flower Growers’ Cooperative, the farm joins other area farms in providing flowers for wholesale.

Woodbine Farm

Woodbine Farm is an equine event center owned and operated by Sari Clapperton. The first equine center in the county to be verified in any system, Woodbine Farm was recently verified in its Farmstead and Livestock operations.

What is MAEAP?

Water pollution comes from many sources, and some of it comes from farms. The Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP) offers assistance and recognition to farmers who reduce erosion and runoff from private land into public waters.

Learn more about MAEAP in Washtenaw County


  • Conservation Farmer of the Year Award: 
    • Candidates demonstrate leadership in and commitment to conservation practices on the farm.
  • Tree Conservationist of the Year Award:
    • Candidates demonstrate leadership in and commitment to tree planting and habitat restoration.
  • Small or Beginning Conservationist Farmer of the Year Award:
    • Candidates demonstrate leadership in and commitment to conservation practices and have been farming less than 10 years or have less than 10 acres under production.

Please send all nominations along with description of candidate and reason you are nominating them to: Nominations are due August 31st. 

Midwest Invasive Species Network

The Midwest Invasive Species Information Network (MISIN) is a regional effort to develop and provide early detection and response resources for invasive species.

Report invasive species here.

Invasive Species Injector now available for rent!
The injector is used for treating Japanese, Bohemian, giant knotweeds, invasive phragmites. Rental is free with a $50 refundable deposit is required at pick up. Injector is available on a first come first serve basis. Contact Megan to reserve and arrange pick-up.

Upcoming Events

Fall Tree & Native Plant Distribution: Friday, October 2nd from 2 - 6 p.m.

A selection of conifer transplants, conifer seedlings and native plants are available for pre-order on our website. Pick-up will be at the Farm Council Grounds (5055 Ann Arbor-Saline Rd, Ann Arbor 48103).

Virtual Field Visit: Wednesday, October 14th from 12-1 p.m.

Join us for a virtual visit to Baseline Farm and learn about rotational grazing and management. Baseline Farm owner and farmer John Cox, MAEAP Technician Nick Machinski and MSU Extension Educator, Kable Thurlow, will present on various grazing topics RSVP will open September 1st.

2021 Spring Tree, Shrub & Native Plant Catalog

Spring 2021 conservation tree, shrub and plant pre-order forms will be available on the website starting in December 2020. Pre-order forms will be sent with the 2020 Annual Report. To receive a hard copy, please send your mailing address to:

Washtenaw County Conservation District


Current address:

7203 Jackson Rd//Ann Arbor, MI 48103

New address as of 9/1: 

705 N. Zeeb Rd//#201//Ann Arbor, MI 48103


You received this email because you signed up or have purchased trees or plants from us.
