Dear ,
I hope you are well! As the weather gets chillier in the UK and the school year gets underway in Ethiopia, our team are busier than ever.
The state of emergency in the Amhara region continues, meaning that much of our team are still without internet connection. We are in regular communication by phone and they are doing an impressive job continuing to deliver our projects. I'm sorry that Elsa is not able to write this message to you directly but we are all thankful for your continued support and appreciate your patience with sponsorship updates and other communications during this time.
As the school year begins, our projects renew and materials are distributed to students. We are tracking how children at key exam stages have done and providing advice to help them remain in education, and we are in the midst of some intensive teacher training! Read on below for news on our projects at the moment, and summaries of what has been achieved over the last academic year.
Thank you as always for your support.
Best wishes,
Caroline Walker
Chief Executive