ARK Encounter Trip! March 10-13. Everyone welcome! This trip is open to everyone churchwide! Look for an informational flyer in the main lobby. Total cost is $300 per person. Final payment will be due February 23.
Women's Fellowship: Monday, February 10, join us for game night! Meet at 6pm at the home of Eleanor B. Bring a dessert or appetizer to share and your favorite game! Sign up at the bulletin board.
Business Meeting: Wednesday, February 12 at 6pm.
Fundraiser Lunch: Everyone is welcome to join us for lunch after the worship service on Sunday, February 16. The only cost is a donation! All donations will go towards the upcoming Brazil Mission Trip this summer!
Disciple Groups: Our D-Groups will start up again on February 23! The Men's class, Cadie's class, and Noel's class will meet on Sunday evenings at 6pm. Emma's class will meet on Mondays at 6pm. Sign up at the bulletin board!
Youth Summer Camp: June 5-8! Cost is $150/person.
Kids Summer Camp: July 4-6 @Shocco. Non-refundable deposit is due Wednesday, February 5. Only ONE more spot available!
Headsets are available at the sound board (back of the sanctuary) for the hearing impaired.