Forgotten Hymns

part 3
written by Andrew Guilde
art by Isaac Perez
letters by DC Hopkins

View the Kickstarter campaign HERE to contact the author on buying copies.

"... and like some forgotten hymn the humming in my head reminded me of the way you made me feel."
-Sheriff Dane Donnell

Not forgotten.

After reading the intriguing part three of this tale, I feel like everything is coming together while everything is coming apart. The duality of this theme comes from a very secret and personal space that Andrew Guilde is couching Forgotten Hymns in. It's not enough that he delivers to you the familiar alien abduction or secret cabal. FBI agent Gloria Richmond has her own secret agenda, gathering together the details concerning her missing father's dalliance with innocent girls.

Even 'Stranger' things.

Then there's strange things happening with seemingly random characters, who act out of a driven desire to control and go after any enemy to their religious cult. They talk in strange babble with wobbly green wide-stroked shapes around their word balloons. It's interesting that after three comics now I still don't have a solid idea of what's going on. Andrew is writing this whole thing backwards, where the FBI and other entities move and talk in straight matter-of-fact action.

Lynch territory.

I said earlier in previous parts of Forgotten Hymns that this reminded me of The X-files. I have to retract that. It's more like Twin Peaks. Andrew is definitely mining a Lynchian style of dichotomy where there are no answers, only scenes. David Lynch famously described how you make a movie, you write down ideas you have on notecards, arrange them on a table, and when you have enough of them you have a film. Of course, he's not describing his method really; the nuts and bolts of making passages make sense to one another is obvious and only requires some basic common sense, but who wants to talk about that?

Andrew Guilde, like Lynch, is assembling his own story borne on one strange scene after another (a quiet nod to Dune, the David Lynch one in one secret lab scene). 

Don't explain it.

In Eraserhead David Lynch had a puppet representing a half-borne calf/human fetus swaddled in cloth. It had to be fed milk, just like a baby calf. He never explained exactly how the prop was made (latex and petroleum jelly? actual animal parts?). He would only smile, remembering that it's more important to keep the creepy dream alive than to hand out recipes for copying his vision.

A hymn remembered?

Eventually in part four and on this Forgotten Hymn will regain its memory, and some questions will be answered. I hope Andrew leaves enough questions unanswered, left ambiguous much like a strange dream.

Next Tuesday:

The Alchemist of Aurillia

Melissa Massey delivers on a delightful mystical magical colorful romp through the Ottoman Empire!

Tim's Notebook

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Felton CA 95018