ChabadMatch Update

Elul 5779 Edition 37

2 New Site Engagements!!

We were excited to hear this month about 2 engagements from the site! Here are the summaries:

1)Shadchan Daliah Kurtzweil relates: "I saw the Bochur's profile on ChabadMatch.  I really liked what he wrote, and started thinking who I could set him up with.  I started sending his mother suggestions, and she liked the Kallah's profile right away.  It took a few months until the Shidduch actually took place as the Bochur had to fly to Israel.  We went through a wonderful journey together, on Friday they went to the Ohel and the rest is history.  As I can see already, we'll have lots of Chassidishe Nachas Be'ezras Hashem!"

2)Shadchan Yehudis Abramowitz relates: "A few months ago I traveled from Eretz Yisroel to visit my mother in NY for her 101st birthday, ke"h. While there, I met a lovely young woman who was seeking her Bashert. When I returned to Israel, I opened my email and there was a ChabadMatch profile of a Bochur from an out-of-town family that my youngest daughter had boarded with when she was in high school.  This Bochur was probably the baby in the family at the time!  Feeling a sense of  connection and responsibility, I read his information with interest and realized he might just be the right Shidduch for the lovely young woman in New York. The rest is history!"

Igros: Relying on Hashem

Igros Kodesh Vol. V p. 269

Surely, it need not be stressed that though, on one hand, before one makes a final decision regarding a shidduch it is essential to give the matter long and hard thought, nonetheless, it is also important to know that one cannot be one hundred percent guaranteed in advance.

We are to rely on G-d, Who conducts the world as a whole, as well as the microcosmic world of each and every person; surely, He will lead the person to that which is best for him or her.


Working or Learning?

I want a boy who is LEARNING...

Learning from his mistakes...

Learning from the mistakes of others....

Learning how to give without expecting anything in return....

Learning how to forgive others for their shortcomings...

Learning how to find true אמת in a world brimming with שקר....

Learning how to take no for an answer....

Learning how to accept the will of השם when life gets stormy....

Learning how to utilize the tools השם gave him to become a better עבד השם ...

Learning how to find good in the frustrating nuances that happen throughout his day....

Learning how to grow and become A BETTER HIM.

I want a boy who is WORKING....

Working towards a greater goal....

Working on his מדות a little bit more each day....

Working on improving his relationships with his family and friends....

Working on deepening his connection to הקב"ה daily....

Working on giving life all he's got....

Working on thanking השם for all the little things in life....

Working on finding השגחת השם in everything that happens to him throughout his day....

Working to overcome his natural negative tendencies....

Working on bringing משיח a little bit closer every day....

Working on growing and becoming A BETTER HIM. THIS is the person I want to marry.

Just learning? Only working?! 
Forget that idea! I want BOTH.

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