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Issue #25

Read the Expectant Mother's Guide online.


Time in the womb – an unique opportunity for connecting


Until recently, the prevailing scientific habit has been to treat the earliest period of human development – from conception to birth, as an insensitive, unconscious, period of physical growth. The belief which has blocked understanding is that no intelligence is possible and no learning or memory can occur until after birth, when the construction of the brain is more advanced.

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Evidence on using Castor Oil to Induce Labour


Can castor oil be used to induce labour? Castor oil is also known as Oleum Palmae Christi, and it comes from the seeds of the Ricinus communis plant. Castor oil is a really powerful laxative

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Evidence on Breast Stimulation to Start Labour


Can breast stimulation be used to naturally induce labour? Breast stimulation causes the release of the hormone oxytocin from the pituitary gland in your brain. This can lead to the ripening of the cervix and uterine contractions. The practice of breast stimulation to induce or augment or increase labour has been reported in the medical literature since the 1700s

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Making Peace with your Birth Experience


Every birth is unique. And for some, a birth experience can be deeply troubling. After giving birth, many women share a sense of disappointment, anger or fear. And this may have happened to you. Despite your best efforts, your birth did not turn out the way you planned. You may be angry. And you may think about your birth—a lot. Fortunately, if you have had a troubling birth, there are some positive steps you can take

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Brought to you by the SACLC

Seven Natural Laws


These "natural laws" of breastfeeding are explained in detail in Breastfeeding Made Simple.  These natural laws are the "secrets" nobody told you about breastfeeding.

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Skin to Skin

Skin to Skin: Ages and Stages


From baby to toddler and then a big kid, at some point your little one will be too big for baby wearing or snoozing with Mom. There are still plenty of ways to have skin to skin contact with your bigger kid and maintain and strengthen the amazing bond you share

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Fathers and skin to skin contact


Dads: you have a vital role to play in the life of your baby! If your baby is born full term, carrying her in skin to skin contact on your chest at birth will help her stabilise. It will be a wonderful bonding time for both of you

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How Can You Set Limits If You Don't Use Threats to Enforce Them?


“I’m struggling with how to enforce limits without a consequence. For example, brushing teeth – she’ll refuse. It’s not reasonable for me to do it by force, so I tell her if she can’t brush her teeth, I can’t read a bedtime story to her. I do not understand how to set limits if there are no consequences for ignoring the limit.”

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Developmental Milestones in Infants
(0-1 year of age)


Skills such as taking a first step, smiling for the first time, and waving “bye-bye” are called developmental milestones. Developmental milestones are things most children can do by a certain age. Children reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, behave, and move (like crawling, walking, or jumping). In the first year, babies learn to focus their vision, reach out, explore, and learn about the things that are around them

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The unexpected birth of Jackson: The birth of Love


On October 11, we were over at a friend’s house for Thanksgiving (in Canada Thanksgiving that year was on October 12).  We were playing Pictionary and if you’re ever in need of a few laughs, I highly recommend this game!  It was so much fun, there were crazy ridiculous drawings, mildly offensive drawings, Picasso-like drawings-it was hilarious. Anyway, throughout my entire pregnancy I was an early-to-bed type of girl, I never stayed up past 11:00pm.  On this particular evening (one week prior to my due date) I didn’t make it home until 3:00am and by the time my head hit the pillow my stomach was aching from laughing so hard!

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LOL: How Laughter Can Improve Your Health


Research done by Ramon Mora-Ripoll, medical scientific director at Organizacién Mundial de la Risa, Barcelona Spain has shown that humour and laughter is related to health, and can release physical and emotional tension, improve immune functioning, stimulate circulation, elevate mood, enhance cognitive functioning and, not surprisingly, increase friendliness

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