Happy New Year from Two Festive Dawgs!

As 2018 finishes, it is time to say hello to 2019 and we in the Bennett household wanted to take a moment to wish you and yours the greatest of successes and happiness in the coming year.

We hope that you achieve all you want, and that there are still some pleasant surprises along the way, because who doesn't like the opportunity to improvise a little!!

Our sincerest thanks for continuing to support our epic tales in Merceria!

Paul, Carol, Daisy & Silly Tilly!

PS: If you are curious, Shadow of the Crown is now available for pre-order, but I will share more about that in my next newsletter, plus a sneak peak at the "...and so it begins"

Start the year off with a few good FREE books!

Shadow of the Crown is almost ready for you to dive into, but you must wait another 22 days, so here are some FREE books while you wait!

Happy Reading!

(Each image takes you to a list of 20 - 80 FREE books, short stories or previews from other great authors, so feel welcome to stock up and share with friends and family.

, thank you for being a member of my reader group. I only email those who have given permission by signing up to receive my newsletters. As always, if you have changed your mind and are no longer interested in receiving these, please click the unsubscribe link below.

Paul J Bennett, 

Author of Epic Fantasy in the World of Merceria

 Hope you read a great book today!

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