A long time ago, when I first started running my campaign, my wife Carol was playing a Life Mage named Bree. She ended up with a follower, a brother of a religious order that was dedicated to this profession. I named him Cyric and eventually, he became a life mage himself, returning to his order to teach others the magic he had learned.
Now, many players would simply have the follower tag along as an extra warrior, but Carol continuously engaged him in conversation, requiring me to fill in more and more of his back story, to the point he became almost a full-fledged player character.
In Ashes, Cyric is not a mage at all, but the inquisitive and thoughtful Brother of Saint Mathew is still, in essence, the same man. He is well-educated, at least for the world in which he exists, and is devoted to his religion without being fanatical, a characteristic that sets him apart from many others.
Cyric is already the subject of a couple of short stories I have written, and which will eventually be compiled into The Chronicles of Cyric. Like my other series, his tales will take place in the same world, but the plots themselves will be smaller, often involving only a few people and seldom, if ever, being of the epic proportions of my other books.
Of course, that doesn’t preclude him from showing up in others series from time to time, though I don’t want to give anything away.