OLYMPIA – Beginning with the Monday, April 18, 2022 work session, the Port of Olympia Commission meetings will be held in person in the Port of Olympia Olympics Room, 626 Columbia Street NW STE 1-B in Olympia.
The Port Commission has been meeting remotely since March 23, 2020, when meetings became virtual due to restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Port will conduct its meetings in person as required by Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1329 (ESHB 1329), which was signed into law by Governor Jay Inslee on March 24, 2022. This law amends RCW 42.30, the Open Public Meetings Act, and in part requires public agencies to resume in person meetings, effective immediately. It is possible remote meetings will again be necessary if the Port Commission determines it is unsafe to physically meet.
At this time, the Port’s meetings will not have an option to view or participate using a virtual platform such as Zoom. The Port is reviewing and evaluating other provisions of ESHB 1329 related to remote access during in person meetings and further information will be shared once the evaluation is complete.
As was the practice before COVID-19, the Port will continue to record Commission meetings and make them available for viewing the day after meetings at https://portolympia.com/commission/recent-commission-meeting-videos/. The public may also view Port Commission meetings via Thurston Community Television Channels 3 and 26, and via the Thurston County Media website https://tcmedia.org/channels.php.
Community members unable to attend a Port Commission meeting in person are encouraged to share their public comment by email to the Commission Coordinator at Commissioncoordinator@portolympia.com, preferably before noon on the day of a Commission meeting.