Web Review

One of the great things about working in comics for a while is you get to share your ideas with them, and you get to see their latest projects or read their latest posts. It seems lately I'm all over the place.

A Place to Hang Your Cape

It's an excellent source for getting the latest reviews of indie and little known comic book creators. You should definitely bookmark their site. Carla Vazquez gave Part One of Mayfield Eight an entertaining and insightful write-up.

Either click the image above or HERE to read it.

Video Chat

Comic Chat Authority

On YouTube there's a newly formed Comic Chat Authority where hosts Cody Johnson and Carol Whitley interview creators one-on-one. They also do excellent assessments of the latest new indie comic books to arrive on the scene.

Recently Cody talked to me about my comic. Either click the image above or HERE to watch it.

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