This month we've explored what it means to be a digital nomad, how to become one and the downsides of this lifestyle.

In our final installment of April, we bring you the Ultimate Guide to a Digital Nomad Lifestyle which can be a roadmap to this incredible life of travel.

From establishing financial stability and crafting optimal international setups to navigating the challenges of constant travel, we leave no stone unturned.

Join Us on Bansko Nomad Fest this June in Bulgaria

One of the best ways to reach a particular goal is to immerse yourself into the community of likeminded people who already achieved it. That's why NomadMania is such an amazing resource connecting big travellers.

Also, earlier this month we announced that NomadMania is taking part in Bansko Nomad Fest. It is a major annual event which brings together digital nomads, online entrepreneurs and travel industry leaders.

And the news are even better! Our founder, Harry Mitsidis, and managing partner, Orest Zub, will both be giving a talk at the Bansko Nomad Fest personally.

Harry will deliver a meaningful keynote talk on people and perspectives regarding visiting every country in the world, while Orest will share his practical experience on combining work and travel as a digital nomad.


We also plan to host a NomadMania side event there :-)

So, welcome on Bansko Nomad Fest on the last week of June.

Use promo code "nomadmania" to get a 10% discount on tickets.

NomadMania King's Day Event Report

We’re thrilled to present an exciting report of the King’s Day celebration that unfolded in The Hague over the weekend.

With NomadMania envoy Razvan Bondalici at the helm, and nearly 100 attendees gracing the festivities from the Netherlands and nearby locales, the event was an enriching experience for all involved. Read about it here

Meet Hamada Zahawi - an Iraqi-American traveller on his Final 50 Countries

Hamada Zahawi is a global explorer and international lawyer whose informative childhood travels began with an Iraqi passport. Upon receiving a U.S. passport he vowed he would never take the freedom of movement for granted.

This inspired him to create a project Final50 documenting his adventures as he completes his journeys to his last 50 countries. He is currently at 160. 

You can read the interview with Hamada here or watch it on NomadMania's YouTube channel conducted by our BeNeLux envoy Razvan Bondalici.

New Verified Members

We have some exciting updates from our Verification Committee regarding new verified members proving their outstanding travel achievements.

UN verification 193

  • Reza Hashemiha 🇮🇷 is now a verified UN master and our #1 ranked traveller from Iran.
  • Ravi Prabhu 🇮🇳 with an amazing 192 countries is also our #1 ranked traveller from India.
  • Tom Wong 🇨🇦 with an incredible 192 countries visited.
  • Alan Cassels 🇬🇧 rounds out our list as the final verified UN master.

NM Regional verification

  • Janie Borisov 🇦🇺 is a verified UN master with a verified 912 regions visited.
  • Rus Margolin 🇧🇾 is a verified UN master and has been verified with 961 regions.

Learn more about our Verification of Travel Records here.

New DARE places

New DARE places (all in the Western and Northern European megaregions) of this week are: 

PHOTO: The Koster Islands are a group of islands off of Sweden's west coast. Known for its clear waters, colorful fishing villages, and being one of Sweden's sunniest spots, the islands are well-connected to the mainland by ferry, making it easily accessible to the traveller seeking a cozy getaway.


Ultimate Hub for Global Explorers

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