One month ago, an unexpected event occurred that has completely reshuffled the cards on the international scene. As we all saw one of the world’s most powerful nation break the rule of law, you might wonder: what will the Ukrainian crisis mean for my country? And what will tomorrow’s world look like?
At the beginning of this year, Sven Biscop gave a speech for the Belgian-Chinese Chamber. In tempore non suspecto, he drew a picture of the great world powers in our multipolar world: Rising China, Steady US, Challenged Europe and Declining Russia. But as you might expect, war changed everything. This webinar will give us more insight into the global political order and how the conflict in Ukraine could alter it.
The presentation will be followed by a 30-minute Q&A session.
About the speaker:
- Prof. Biscop is a political sciences professor at Ghent University, where he lectures on Belgian and European foreign and defence policy, and on the grand strategy of the European Union and the other great powers.
- He is the director of the ‘Europe in the World’ Programme of the Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations. His research focuses on the foreign, security and defence policies of the European Union, NATO and their Member States.
- As an honorary member of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC), he regularly lectures for diplomats, military and officials from all EU Member States. He’s also a regular speaker at the Royal Military Academy in Brussels and at various staff colleges in Europe and America, as well as at the People’s University of China in Beijing.
- His latest book, “Grand Strategy in 10 Words. A guide to Great Power Politics in the 21st Century”, is a must-read for anyone interested in foreign policy and strategy.