Greetings from the Other Side of Vacation. In my advancing years I find that I have become more an Ocean Person than a Mountain Girl which is practically a 180-degree turnaround from my younger days. Kind of like my curly hair that is now straight. Change is good, right?
Anyway, I came back to messages that the email you received from Marci out of the Fridays mailbox while I was gone was full of bad links. The email was intended to welcome new subscribers and provide a bit of an intro to PPFF but, automation being what automation is, in order to set up the email series it had to go to all existing subscribers as well. So forgive us if it is basic information - in addition to the bad links. If you would, though, like to know what our intent was all of the links were to go to our Publications page where all kinds of resources help people find the fun in Penn's Woods. The three-times-a-year newsletter, our "Explore Near" local flyers, and a Skill Builders series all live on that page. That's where the email links should have taken you.
The masthead this week comes from the private Hiking & Backpacking Pennsylvania Book of Faces. A reference in Katelyn's post to "Hetchel" led me to this interesting blog post by Ronald Rabenold from 2010.