- Teri Passed away May 17, 2024
- And a Rainbow appeared
Teri fought for years with kidney failure, going to Dialysis even during retreats and conferences. She led the training of online TWIM guides for the online Dhamma Sukha Website retreats. She trained and gave countless Metta and Forgiveness Retreats even up to just the last days of her illness.
*The last moments from Jo:
Claudia called me moments ago to share that our dear Teri escaped last night. Claudia was not with her at the time but says the care takers said Teri seemed at peace.
She had accepted the hospice offerings of morphine and anxiety meds several days ago and had relaxed into a deeper level of acceptance.
Claudia was with her on Wednesday morning and reports that at breakfast (Teri’s last meal) she was eating some of her favorite foods — strawberries & watermelon.
Teri said she wanted no memorial or remembrance service. If her niece and heir Heather feels differently, Claudia says she will let me know.
Love to you all ~ Jo
*Remembrance from Kirsten:
Teri was truly a special person. She was a wonderful friend and she meant a lot to me. She loved guiding meditators and continued to do so, even near the end of her life.
We just had a beautiful rainbow here at dsmc just hours after we learned that Teri passed yesterday. We had a rainbow here when Bhante died also. We’re sure she is in an amazing place.
* Thoughts from David
Teri was an early student of Bhante. She attended her first retreat here at DSMC and was here quite awhile insisting to do the breath as the object. Finally she gave in and switched. Old habits are hard to give up.
Teri made great progress at Easter retreats in California and we asked her to be an online guide which she gladly did. She trained hundreds of people and finally I asked her to help train the guides themselves.
Then she took on Forgiveness and did those retreats and in her last days recently trained a number of guides in forgiveness.
She will be missed as part of our TWIM Mentors but will be remembered for her contribution to TWIM and Bhante Vimalaramsi's teachings.
I was on the phone with her and she was in hospice and had had all the tubes and whatever removed and was feeling a little frustrated-heh "I just want to get to wherever's next!" Let's go!
May she reflect on her good deeds with joy and attain Arahantship soon.
* Thoughts from Jordan
Sangha friends, I don't have a lot of interaction with Teri but to the extent that I did, it was an honor to have known her.
Being a retreat manager, I recall that Teri regularly attended the Easter retreats. Initially, as a participant but after a few years, Bhante had her attend his interviews. In time, she became one of the most senior TWIM teachers. She was a mentor to many who undertook the same aspirations to help others. She guided dozens of online retreats along with mentoring acolites with her abondant sage advice. Many of us were beneficiaries of her generous heart and clear mind.
During the COVID crisis in late 2020, she authored a proposal for an innovative approach to hosting 3 and 4 day Zoom retreats for advanced meditators so that they could continue to progress in their practice.
In 2021 after a Zoom retreat led by Delson, she continued to provide daily interviews to those that wanted to extend their retreat. Some for more than a week. Even when she was in deep discomfort with kidney dysfunction, she traveled to DSMC to visit Bhante to deepen her wisdom and to help all the while having to drive for frequent dialysis treatment. I last saw her at the D.O. Symposium 2023 in L.A. Every second day at 4:00 AM, Teri drove into the city for dialysis where she would receive treatment, then return to the venue so as not to miss the program.
I will always remember Teri as a fine teacher, generous in the sangha, and my friend.
Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu.
Metta-- Jordan
"When you come upon a path that brings benefit and happiness to all, follow this course as the moon journeys through the stars". —The Buddha.