Ladysmith Healthcare Auxiliary |
Newsletter Fall/Winter 2020 |
Supporting Community Health and Wellness
November 14, 2020 |
Opening Celebration of the Ladysmith Healthcare Auxiliary Thrift Store Expansion |
Pictured seated from left to right: Jen Forrest, President, Lynn Nightingale, Director of Public Relations; middle, right to left Pam Fraser, Building Committee Head, Cindy LaFleur, Building Committee Lynn Smith, Manager; back, left to right: Ruth Goodbody, VP; Nairne Culver, Membership Director; Deanna Noonan, Assistant Manager.
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony: Pam Fraser, Building Committee Head holding the ribbon for Aaron Stone, Mayor of Ladysmith. |
Ribbon Cutting |
Pam Fraser, the Mistress of Ceremonies welcomed a small gathering to celebrate the completion of the Ladysmith Healthcare Auxiliary Thrift Store Expansion, socially distanced and wearing our masks, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Ruth Goodbody presented everyone with an envelope prior to the event which included an Event Schedule and a custom made mask complete with logo. Speeches were made by Jennifer Forrest, Pam Fraser, Jordan Almond of MKM Projects Ltd., Aaron Stone, Mayor of Ladysmith followed by the unveiling of a commemorative plaque that "celebrates and appreciates all staff and Auxiliary volunteers whose commitment and dedication helped bring this project to reality."
a few words from |
Jennifer Forrest, President |
Thank you for coming out to this small ceremony to celebrate our expansion project.
Projects need leaders, and I would particularly like to thank Building Committee head Pam Fraser, and the Building Committee Members… Nairne Culver, Ruth Goodbody and Cindy Lafleur, for steering us through this one. And of course, Architect Will King, and our Builders Dan and Jordan from MKM… Dan, you are amazing at dealing daily with all of us Grandmas and Grandpas.
Store Managers and Floor Planners: Lynn, Deanna, April and Mario… could there be more “fun” than keeping the Thrift Store buzzing in the midst of a construction project and a pandemic? Not likely. Your operational skills AND your Volunteerism (along with that of many of your family members) are greatly appreciated.
I would also like to a acknowledge and celebrate the hundreds of people that we couldn’t invite today… our current Volunteers, Life Members, Past Members… who all had a part in this. The Ladysmith Healthcare Auxiliary is so very fortunate to attract Volunteers of all types, who give freely of their time and skills, and quietly Make Things Happen.
Pictured from left to right: Jordan Almond, MKM Projects Ltd.; Aaron Stone, Mayor of Ladysmith; Commemorative Plaque
Congratulations from BC Association of Healthcare Auxiliaries |
I send greetings and best wishes to the Ladysmith Healthcare Auxiliary on behalf of the BC Association of Healthcare Auxiliaries. I wish I could be there with you at the Grand Opening Celebration. It took a lot of hard work, planning and perseverance to accomplish this but you did it. Congratulations.
It is so exciting to hear how you have expanded your Thrift Store which will add to your sales, to the comfort of the volunteers and the convenience of the customers. Having adequate space for volunteers to receive, sort and price donations cannot be understated.
Your Auxiliary has supported so many programs and you have given a tremendous amounts of money and services to your community. Without your dedication and your contribution of time, money and services, the patients, seniors and children would all be a little poorer.
In 2019 your 255 members put in 35,777 hours of their own time to support your community. You donated or pledged $270,000.00 worth in 2019 and $225,000.00 worth up to April 2020. That is amazing!
For 75 years the BCAHA has represented, mentored and encouraged Auxiliaries around the province. When we see an Auxiliary such as yours reach the highs that you have it makes us very proud.
I look forward to the day I can get down to Ladysmith to see your space.
Take care, stay safe.
Simone Halpin
BCAHA Vancouver Island Area Director
October 2020 General Meeting Vote Results |
Approved: $32,000 for Capital Expenditure of A/C Heating Unit
October 2020 Donations
- Nanaimo Child Development Centre - $9,500.09
- Ladysmith Search and Rescue - $2,500
- Ladysmith Secondary School - $2,218
- BC Cancer Foundation for Patient Comfort Fund - $10,000
- BC Cancer Foundation for Robotic Couch - $10,000
Oyster Harbour Seniors Community Letters |
November 15, 2020
Greetings to all at the Auxiliary,
We hope and trust this message finds you well. This year we are inviting volunteers and friends to write a Christmas card or 2 and send them along to be distributed to the Residents of Oyster Harbour this holiday season. All cards can be dropped off at the front door of our building in a marked drop off box
mailed to "Oyster Harbour- c/o Angelina, Recreation Department" 1127 4th Ave, PO Box 820 V9G 1A6
We thank you all for your continued support and wishing you all a healthy, happy holiday season
Once again, thank you so very much for the IPAD; we have it up and running.
Many thanks,
Angelina Passarelli BTR CTRS Recreation Coordinator Oyster Harbour Seniors Community
Note from the Gift Shop Manager: There is a wide variety of hand made cards for sale in the Gift Shop area of the Thrift Store.
September 4, 2020
Dear members: As liaison for the Oyster Harbour Senior’s community, I want to pass on the appreciation and thanks that was sent to me for the members who so lovingly spent their time and energy to make lap blankets for the residents. I delivered three bags this past week. I am not sure who made them but do want you to know of the appreciation that was sent. Many of these dear ones at the residence will enjoy the comfort of these lap blankets as fall and winter come. Thank you so much.
Rosemary Leo
LHA Members were taken on a private tour of the stunning Cowichan Hospice House |
On September 2, 2020 Jen Forrest, Lynn Nightingale, Miriam Rose, Nairne Culver, Jill Mennie and Ruth Goodbody donned their masks and drove to Duncan to take part in a ‘sneak peak tour of Cowichan Hospice House prior to opening day’ scheduled for early November 2020.
Since 2009 Ladysmith Healthcare Auxiliary has funded Cowichan Hospice initiatives recording a total of funding of $233,050:
- $125,000 in 2018
- In 2016 LHA appointed Deb Henderson to the Hospice House Task Force. Jen Forrest replaced Deb in 2017 when she became ill. Although LHA had been funding Cowichan Hospice for many years for hospice and grief counseling ($20,000), Hospice care beds were almost non-existent in the Cowichan Valley. In January 2017 LHA funded:
- $28,000 for a study to fund the feasibility of building a hospice care facility, and
- $50,000 toward the Cowichan Hospice House Project in February 2019.
We were eager to tour the newly built Cowichan Hospice House located at 250 Cairnsmore Street, Duncan, where we were warmly greeted at the front entry by several staff and volunteers of Cowichan Hospice. We registered, were reminded to wear our COVID-19 masks, and sanitized our hands before entering the lobby. Christa Fox, Chair of the Hospice House Task Force welcomed us to a 30-minute tour of this 10-bed centre for ‘living well at the end of life’ whose mandate offers:
- A home-like atmosphere where expert round-the-clock medical care is woven with emotional, spiritual and practical support.
- A place where family is supported and encouraged to be involved with the patient’s care.
- Accommodation of patients with large families, as well as provision for quiet and privacy.
- A family kitchen to allow a taste of home and a gathering place for families on a similar journey.
- A beautiful garden (not yet completed) that will offer both views and opportunities to be in nature.
- A culturally and spiritually safe space that is welcoming to all.
Christa’s tour of Cowichan Hospice House gave us opportunity to admire the thoughtfulness of design and use, and she gave special attention to Room 112: Quiet Room, funded by the Ladysmith Healthcare Auxiliary. Her thanks were genuine and heartfelt as she pointed out the various amenities afforded by the support of the LHA. Upon completion of the tour, we were given lovely thank-you envelopes with Cowichan Hospice House broaches, and we drove home gratified that our important work has impact to community members receiving end of life care.
Submitted October 4, 2020 by:
Ruth Goodbody, VP Ladysmith Healthcare Auxiliary
Volunteer Fair August 30, 2020 |
The Volunteer Fair was held on Sunday, August 30, 2020 from 1 pm to 3 pm. Many members of the Executive were there to greet, give tours and interview prospective volunteers.
We signed up 10 new members that day!
We can always use more help though.
If you already volunteer, could you work a second shift on a different day?
If you are a snowbird and are staying home this year, maybe you could take a shift in a department you haven't tried before.
Spread the word around, mention it to people you know.
If you're interested please let one of the Thrift Store Managers know or send an email to ladysmiththrift@gmail.com
I saved the best reasons for last!
You get to work in the new addition which is a much larger space than the previous work area allowing for adequate social distancing and you are giving back to you community!
Doris Gallagher Memorial Gardens |
Although we missed hosting a summer luncheon for our members in the Doris Gallagher Memorial Gardens due to COVID-19, the flowers put on a lovely show anyways. Our entry urn was bursting with blooms and the fir stump is now hosting a spirea shrub. The roses were gorgeous. There were lots of wonderful fall colours on our shrubs and trees. You are always welcome to drop by for a relaxing garden walk. The Doris Gallagher Memorial Gardens, located behind the Ladysmith Community Health Centre, are maintained by Auxiliary volunteers.
We are pleased to share the names of our newest members. We warmly welcome Grace Lewis, Valerie Kurylowich - Junior member, Tiffany Auvinen, Robin Baxter, Mary Campbell, Betty Pillipow, Sue Martyn, Henry Schneider, Joan May, Diana Davison, Reta Vasey, Debbie Dystant, Ellen M. denHolder, Vicky Gautreau, Grace Lewis, Rick Magee, Ethan Alsop - Junior member, Wanda Corkill, David Rosenberg, Clifton Tollefson - Junior member, Paul Legacy, Flora M. Aleman and Ruth Vines.
However, our condolences go out to the family and friends of Margaret Milne and Ron Kinney. They will be sadly missed.