There is a thread on Quora titled:
How awful was Steve Jobs?
Steve's reputation for an aggressive, direct leadership style is well known.
What I only learned recently was how he changed.
In Creativity Inc. Ed Catmull, co-founder of Pixar, shares his relationship with Steve. If you didn't know, Steve Jobs was a co-founder of Pixar.
Ed shares that initially Steve was "frequently dismissive and brusque."
But over time, Steve's leadership style transformed.
"While he never lost his intensity, we watched him develop the ability to listen. More and more, he could express empathy, caring and patience. The change in him was real. and it was deep."
What led to this change?
"Some people have said that he got mellower with age, but I don't think that's an adequate description of what happened; it sounds too passive as if he was just letting go. Steve's transformation was an active one. He continues to engage; he just changed the way he went about it."
Steve developed these skills: listening, asking questions and self-awareness. The core skills of coach-like leaders.
If you are working with a difficult leader stay hopeful.
Help them develop the skills to lead like a coach.
This story shows change is possible.
Creativity Inc. is one of my 100 Best Culture Books