INSIDE: 10 ways my new journal will help you

Hi friend!

In less than one month, my guided journal, Stuff I'd Only Tell God, releases into the world. (May 2 release!)

It's unlike ANYTHING I've ever written before. In this journal, I leaned on my years as a news reporter and habitual question-asker to pull together thousands of my favorite questions. 

People are telling me that Stuff I'd Only Tell God sounds like a form of therapy.

Indeed, journaling is therapeutic, providing you with a consistent outlet for expressing your fears, worries, dreams, challenges, and joys. I've come to learn that journaling is a deeply spiritual practice that leads to self-awareness, healing, emotional intelligence, and improved mental health.

I'm also well aware that people aren't always sure where to start, or what to write in a journal. That's a huge reason I wrote Stuff I'd Only Tell God. This journal guides you every step of the way.

Because this book is so, so different from anything I've written before, I decided to dedicate a whole Top Ten with Jen to the contents of the journal. I'll share with you 10 types of prompts in the journal. AND, I'm sharing what the inside looks like!

I hope you'll be convinced that Stuff I'd Only Tell God is for you! :)

For the first time ever, let's open up Stuff I'd Only Tell God together! 


10: PROMPTS to help you heal from past wounds

Back-story: Our daughter Anna helped me with these pages in the journal. She and I started talking about the scars on our bodies, from accidents, falls, surgeries, etc. 

And then we began to think about the invisible wounds that cause scars inside of us -- in places people can't see. 

We had such a meaningful conversation around this topic, that we decided to dedicate some pages inside the journal toward our inner wounds and inner healing.

Check out this spread from pages 86-87.  

9. PROMPTS to teach us new things

The journal is sprinkled with prompts that will teach us fun and intriguing things that we may not have known before!

That's why I added "Lost in Translation" sections to the journal. A beautiful feature of language is that it gives us the vocabulary to describe what we’re feeling and a way to express ourselves with precision. The English language includes thousands upon thousands of words, but sometimes there isn’t a perfect, succinct English word for what we feel.

So I found numerous words from other languages for which there are no English equivalents. But you’ll know exactly what they mean when you read the definitions, because you’ve probably experienced them!

You’ll find a few of these “Lost in Translation” sections throughout this journal. Here's one spread from pages 178-179.

So tell me, have you ever suffered from kummerspeck? Have you ever experienced saudade?

8: PROMPTS about you and your people

This journal is structured in a particular order, starting with your people, because the people in your life have a tremendously powerful influence on your past, present, and future.

Inside the journal, there are deep questions about the people who have influenced you -- for better or for worse. There are also some really fun prompts, like this (see below), where you assign Class Yearbook Superlatives to your people. 

Who is the human encyclopedia in your life? The worst driver? Most likely to be famous someday? Most in need of prayer right now? 

You'll respond to those prompts, and more, on pages 18-19 of the journal.

7: PROMPTS about books, movies, music, and more

What are you reading these days? What are you hoping to read? What are your all-time favorite movies and albums? The journal is sprinkled with fun pages where you can get it all down on paper. 

What would you add to the list of books you want to read, on page 207? You know that I'm hoping you'll say Stuff I'd Only Tell God, right? :)

(Gentle nudge to preorder.)

6. PROMPTS that will surprise you

This journal is, in a word, unpredictable. With each turn of the page, you'll encounter a surprise. The pages will keep you guessing, and hopefully, keep you searching deep within.

5. PROMPTS that help you embrace the real you

So many pages are devoted to identifying the things you love (and don't love); the ways God made you; the interests and skills you have; and so much more. 

You'll have space to think about your "thin places," your favorite foods, daydreams, answered prayers, best advice, and so, so much more!

4: PROMPTS to reflect and grow

I love this spread on pages 154-155.

On the left hand side, you make a list of 10 things you can do to regain your joy in a hard season. 

On the right hand side, you take some time to reflect on the unwanted delays, hoped-for things, and right-on-time moments of your life. We created it to look like one of those airport flight monitors. So fun!

3: PROMPTS that are just ... fun

I love this spread on pages 192-193! 

We included a world map, and you can color in the places you've been, the places you want to go, and even places you don't really want to see at all. 

After my recent travels across the pond, I was able to color in Oxford and the Cotswolds!

2: PROMPTS that help you dream and ponder the future

I put together an entire section at the back of the journal entitled "Me and My Future." These pages (208-209) are all about your dreams.

1. The Final Word

Every time I send you a Top Ten With Jen newsletter, the final word ... comes from something that has inspired me out of The Word. Of every story I could ever tell you, the ones in Scripture are the best of all. 

All that to say, I want to assure you that Stuff I'd Only Tell God is filled with content that will draw you closer to God, and will draw you into the Word. 

In one section, you'll learn to write your own Psalm of lament, and your own Psalm of praise. You'll have space to record praises and prayers. There's a fabulous section in the middle called "Conversations with Jesus" where you answer many of the questions that Jesus asks people in the Gospels.

Thank you!

Finally, I offer you my personal thanks for preordering Stuff I'd Only Tell God. Preorders are a BIG DEAL to authors, because they signal to retailers that people want to buy the book. So your preorders help me launch this book well! 

Have a fabulous Easter, friend!

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