Here the answers to the top three questions backers had:
1. What does ‘rustic fantasy’ mean?
Remember that “old legend” feeling? The one you got when you first read, watched, or listened to a fantasy work of fiction? “Rustic Fantasy” is our name for a fantasy genre that echoes that sentiment. It explores unlikely heroes from tucked-away villages – such as Lord Of The Rings’ hobbits or Princess Mononoke’s Ashitaka – who are driven by circumstances to set out on a journey through the countryside and wilderness, surrounded by unknown dangers. It’s a counterforce to high magic settings where magic is cheap, accessible, and familiar, and becomes an allegory to technology. The natural world and the goodness of true-hearted protagonists play a prominent role in rustic fantasy, although they are contracted by and intermixed with the dark, the mysterious, and the selfish.
For Legend in The Mist RPG, this term is primarily used in reference to the Hearts of Ravensdale companion setting. See more under the Setting section in the full FAQ.
2. How will magic work?
Legend In The Mist allows you to create any magic system you desire, and will include several example magic systems that you can incorporate into your game alongside guides for creating new ones. It can support the good old Vancian magic system (spell slots) but also so much more: spirit binding, faerie magic, ritual magic, tattoo magic, hedge magic, alchemy, etc. Each magic system can be tailored through a specific set of tags that define how it is used, what powers it, and what its limitations are.
See under the Setting section for more about the cultivation-based magic that is prominent in the Hearts of Ravensdale setting.
3. What is the special reward for first-day backers?
If you pledge for a physical pledge level in the first 24 hours of the Kickstarter campaign, you will receive two (2) acorn-shaped six-sided dice (d6) valued at $15 which are compatible with Legend In The Mist and all other Son of Oak games. If you pledge for the Thaumaturge Collector’s Set pledge level, you will receive these in addition to the 6 acorn dice already in your set.