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August Newsletter

Welcome!  Here's what you can expect from this monthly newsletter.

There may be typos.  They breed like Tribbles, I try to round them up, but they keep breeding.


    • First book in the Relic Trilogy

      Crystal Ball

      • Publishing plans
      • Other news

      Newsletter bonus content

      The second chapter of Dryad, a fantasy novella, which is only available for free in my newsletter.

      See my website for more information

      Company Assassin

      Book 1 in the Relic Trilogy

      It’s Duff Roman’s eighteenth birthday, but no one is lighting candles. 

      Turning eighteen in the orphanage on Kalecca means starvation for those who aren’t hired into a Family. Outside the Family compounds lies the jungle. And in the jungle lies death. And Relics—the only real currency on Planet Kalecca.

      The orphans are Duff’s family, and he’s sacrificed everything to keep the orphanage running, even his chance to move on. Now, at eighteen, he has no choice but to leave. Without him to bring in extra money, the orphans will starve under the Company’s control. Duff's only chance to save them is to find a spot on an independent crew and hopefully find a Relic to sell.

      A seemingly chance encounter with Z, leader of the most feared independent crew, offers Duff his opportunity to score a Relic. And offers Z a chance to relieve the guilt he feels over his past.

      But a company assassin has plans to lay waste to Duff's future, and the orphanage as well.

      Crystal Ball:

      Here's my current plans.  With Covid-19, this may be delayed.  I'll know more soon.

    • Relic: Sci-fi Trilogy - coming Fall 2020
    • Merged Series:  Epic Fantasy - coming Early 2021

        Exclusive Novella: Dryad

        Chapter 3


        Adelram Dire lifted his nose and scented. The damp murky flavor of the forest held a subtle hint of jasmine and mint that reminded him of wholesome things.

        Wholesome things that had no business being here in the cursed lands. The fur on his back lifted and his hand broke the branch he gripped. The leaf remnants drifted down from his perch with a rustling sigh. He must be mistaken; nothing good came here.

        A crunch brought his attention to the main trail that twisted through the dark woods. Below him, Gant raced back toward the keep. There was nothing stealthy in his step. He acted as if he wanted Adelram to follow him and that woke Adelram’s curiosity. He fought the urge to chase Gant.

        Bond slaves did not leave their posts. Especially when they were first being conditioned. For Gant to make a noticeable return to his post meant one thing. He must want to be chased and he must be protecting something or someone.

        The scent of lavender and mint teased his nose again, bringing a slow tightening in his gut. He hopped easily from tree to tree in his hybrid form, getting closer to the scent that did not belong. He spotted something at the edge of the cursed land.

        A forest maid stood in shadow. Pale and straight as a birch tree. Something about her tugged at him. Dew clung to her green hair like the blades of grass he’d played with as a pup. This must be the wholesome thing.

        She must be why Gant still resisted his Master and fought the darkness. Why he’d left his post. Why he’d tried to be a decoy. Had they been lovers?

        The possibility that Gant held the heart of this maid sent a small curl of jealousy to Adelram’s chest. He’d wanted a family once, until he realized the extent of his curse and had realized he would bring the downfall of his whole clan if he was not careful. Never that. That’s why he’d left them.

        But Gant had left this tree maid here at the edge of the cursed land, where any number of evil things might prey upon her. Including Adelram. Surely, Gant would not have done that if she belonged to him.

        For the first time, Adelram allowed himself to want something. If this maid got away, she would need protection. Gant would eventually turn into one of the Master’s creatures and she would be in danger. Not only from the Master but from Gant himself. That opened a path Adelram had never thought of.

        The ice that encased Adelram’s heart thawed just a little and the seed of hope settled with a painful stab. Perhaps if his mate was other than a Wolf, he could avoid his curse. Love was not a requirement to become mates after all. Need and respect could be enough.

        Perhaps he didn’t need to be an outcast and mateless till the end of his days to protect his clan. Perhaps he could go home. He took a deep breath to ease the tightness in his chest.

        Adelram focused on the maid who had awoken this possibility. She must know something dangerous was near for she stood, barely breathing and poised as if to run. The predator in him wanted her to run. So he could chase.

        Each passing moment, the urge to stalk forward itched along his back. How close could he get before she fled? He didn’t want a weak potential mate. He wanted someone strong and worthy, even if she was not of the clan. And even if he’d never love her.

        He set his claws into the tree so he could shift and shimmy silently to the ground, but in that instant he was off balance, she turned and sped out of the cursed woods. Something glittering fell to the ground where she'd stood.

        At last. Fierce joy set his heart racing ahead of his feet. Stealth no longer needed, he crashed to the ground and bounded after her. Her scent locked in. He’d be able to track her anywhere. She was his, if he wanted her.

        When he reached the edge of the cursed land, she was already across the field and in the woods beyond. She was fast, good. Perhaps she would be worthy.

        He followed the faint hint of her trail. She must have tried to mask her scent in the water. No water would ever mask her scent. The mint and jasmine scent wafted up into a tree where she tried to lose him in the treetops.

        A soft imprint of a big toe on a riverbank. The thread of green hair caught in the brush. Each step he took brought him closer to her, but she maintained a lead. She was strong, a worthy potential mate. The need to claim her burned through his veins.

        Her trail stopped twisting through the trees and arrowed north. The woods gave way to gentle rolling hills. The black spikes in the distance caused the first trickle of worry to raise the hairs on his back.

        As he raced ahead, the black glass of Mount Venua clawed up from the horizon. It was the only remains of an ancient wizarding duel. While there should be no remaining wizard-born creatures, the land itself had a strange reputation. What was she up to?

        Black specks glinted on the hill. Her scent veered to a faint trail he might have missed. He slowed his pace, but followed still. The black specks were shards of glass that would’ve shredded his paws. She was tricky. Even better.

        The scents around him changed, adding a strange undertone to the normal tree perfume. Unease skittered down his back and caused him to stop. His gut said he was in danger if he did not figure out the scent puzzle.

        A faint tinkling to his left brought his gaze to a small tree. Deep emerald leaves waved at him in the breeze. The sense of oddness was increased by the stiffness of the leaf and something that looked like ice on the stem.

        Before he could reach to touch the ice that could survive in spring, a small blue bird fluttered near, and landed on the tree’s branch. The bird seemed to have no idea Adelram was near. It fluffed its feathers and teetered on the branch, blinking its eyes at him as if the bird were drunk. How odd.

        The bird could make a quick snack. He leaned closer, until the smell of feathers and that strange sweet undertone filled his senses. The bird allowed him far closer than a healthy bird ever would. He hesitated to snatch it. Something was wrong.

        The bird shrieked, and wildly, flapped its wings. Adelram fell back with a yelp. The branch bent, but the bird’s feet remained stuck to the branch. The bird’s distressed calls lessened as the ice from the branch flowed around the bird slowly encasing it in a transparent trap.

        He shook his head. The air on the ground was clear of that odd note. The scent must be disorienting to birds as well as wolves.

        She’d led him into a trap. The realization made him want her more, not less. But first, he would have to catch her. He stood, careful to avoid the trees, picked up her scent, and followed.

        Despite the danger, his steps felt light as he followed her scent. He might even be grinning at the challenge she threw his way.

        He continued toward the mountain through this treacherous terrain. This was the most fun he’d had since he was little. Before his curse got in the way of his life.

        Slabs of black glass cut upward and reflected patterns of puffy white clouds that looked like sheep grazing on black grass. Her scent led to a sandy path that twisted through a crack in the mountain.

        He stooped to enter. His steps caused the glass to hiss, sending a chill down his spine. The glass pinched above him. The walls crowded in and the light fled. Though it was dark, he could tell that she was just ahead. Her mint and jasmine scent was out of place in this dark recess.

        A sharp crack echoed in the small, enclosed space between mountains and shards of glass rained down ahead. He paused, his desire tempered by concern. This was not a place for a living creature. The walls were too sharp. The darkness too complete. If he followed her farther in, he might force her into taking chances she would not normally take. She’d already proven herself. There was no need for her to be injured.

        If he did not chase her now, he would have to lie in wait, but there could be more than one exit from the mountain. If he was serious about this maid, he needed to catch her and bring her to his clan before night fell. But, she may not move until nightfall. He wouldn’t, if he were her.

        He bit his lip. If the Master found out from Gant that another Dryad had been on his lands, they’d send out a hunting party to nab her. They probably would not notice Adelram was missing for a few days. He sighed deeply. There were too many ifs.

        Waiting was too risky; he needed to catch her and do it soon so he could bring her to his clan.

        That decided, he resumed stalking her transforming to his smaller human form. With each step, the walls closed in and the cave narrowed, leaving barely enough room for him get through if he hunched over and then it constricted smaller than he could pass. He braced his hands to push, but drew them back with a hiss. The sharp glass had cut his hand. The sunlight sparkled just out of his reach. She was on the other side where he could not follow.

        Warmth danced in his chest. She’d tricked him again. She truly was a worthy foe. He scented to see if she’d stayed by the door and smelled something metallic mixed with her scent. Blood. His stomach dropped, and his heart jumped.

        Red drops were splattered across the sand at the exit. He crawled forward on his belly until he could go no farther. He twisted and extended his arm so he could dip his finger into the blood. But he knew before he brought it to his nose. It was her blood.

        His intended mate was hurt. He howled in rage and sent the birds aflutter on the other side of the crack. He growled and snapped. Blocked for now, but he would find her.


        Have a burning question?  Or have a good Dad joke or pun you want to share?  :)

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        Claudia Blood

        PO Box 6252

        Rochester, MN 55903

        United States

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