From the EFLM Newsletter Editor
In our end of year EuroLabNews issue, the EFLM President Ana-Maria Simundic recaps her exemplary and quite eventful term in office touching upon the major milestones achieved. Luke B Hesson is the author of this issue’s Hot Topic in Laboratory Medicine entitled The clinical utility of epigenetic testing in laboratory medicine. Tomris Ozben, EFLM President-Elect and the Chair of TF Green Labs, proudly informs us about the task force established to implement sustainable practices in medical laboratories. Ana-Maria Simundic, EFLM President announces the launch of a new EFLM award, the EFLM Academy Award where the deadline for application is the 15th of December, 2021. Ana-Maria Simundic also presents the new EFLM e-learning platform, which has been given a substantial face lift to improve accessiblity to various educational resources. Coffee with the President, another trademark of Ana-Maria Simundic, column runs its last 4 interviews with dedicated EFLM personalities. Silvia Cattaneo, from the EFLM Office, informs us about the candidates elected for the EFLM Executive Board. The office also announces the postponement of EuroMedLab 2021 in Munich, Germany to April 10-14, 2022. Tara Rolic, member of the EFLM WG Promotions and Publications, updates us on the most recent EFLM publications with their work groups’ ingenious signature infographics. Past and on-going EFLM events have been summarized. Daria Pasalic, Chair EFLM Committee Education and Training and Eser Y. Sozmen, Chair EFLM Working Group Congresses and Postgraduate Education update us on the new EFLM Speakers’ Bureau. The Czech Society of Clinical Biochemistry report on their latest activities. The IFCC corner presents the IFCC Presidents’ Message along with other happenings at the IFCC. The Calendar of Events lists all major happenings in our field but please keep a close eye on the change in dates. As always, the dedicated EFLM Newsletter team has tried its best to keep the readership informed on all important events in the EFLM, and we wish our readers good health, a peaceful festive season and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Last but not least, I would like to convey my personal gratitude, and thank all regular and corresponding members of the EFLM WG Promotions & Publications and Silvia Cattaneo from the EFLM office for all their heroic efforts in compiling the issues of EuroLabNews newsletter.
Harjit Pal Bhattoa, Editor EFLM EuroLabNews