Dear Unit 1 Members,
As per our last email, we’re preparing a fulsome package for you and your colleagues to review for the ratification of this Collective Agreement. However, we wanted to share a summary of information that may help you understand this Tentative Agreement in context.
The ratification vote will take place online within the coming weeks.
Context and historic bargaining of the Unit 1 Bargaining Team
We have attached a brief summary of the gains made in this round of bargaining.
To be clear: there are no concessions. A concession is when rights or benefits are removed or lost from the collective agreement.
As stated above, more detailed information is being prepared to distribute to the membership before the ratification vote.
Some highlights include:
Earlier TA assignments and AODs
Premium pay for choosing working over the holidays (additional $10/hr)
Improved paid sick leave and pregnancy/parental leave
Four weeks paid gender affirmation leave
Access to additional Priority Terms
Access to paid pedagogical training for undergrad TAs
Mental health coverage
An emergency fund
Unit 1 Summary of wage increases across the last three collective agreements