After several years of hearing from some community members about conflicting uses of the Upper Rogue River in a stretch roughly between the now-removed Gold Ray Dam and Lost Creek Dam, a collaboration of four state agencies–Oregon Department of State Lands, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Oregon State Marine Board, and Oregon Parks and Recreation Department--have come together to learn more about the community’s values, needs, and concerns related to this stretch of the river.
The agencies have partnered with Oregon’s Kitchen Table, a statewide community engagement program, to offer Jackson County residents and visitors a clear way to express their values, beliefs, and expectations related to this stretch of the river. That input will inform the agencies’ decision-making now and in the future.
Over the past few years, there has been some conflicting viewpoints about how people are using and enjoying this stretch of the Upper Rogue River. Some believe that increased use of motor boats, especially the businesses using jet boats, make activities such as swimming, fishing, paddling, or habitat conservation difficult or impossible. Others believe that everyone can enjoy the river together, including jet boat users. The river is also changing over time, such as lower water levels and more people wanting to use it at the same time. (Map provided by Oregon State Marine Board - click for full map)