Business Meeting: Wednesday, May 15 at 6pm.
Graduate recognition: Sunday, May 19 we will recognize four church members who are graduating: Haley C, Ella P, & Zac W from high school, and Emily P from college! On that day we will have baskets in the main lobby for you to drop a card, gift, or just a note to let them know you are proud of their hard work!
Painting Story Cloths: Join us on Monday, May 20 at 5pm in the FLC. We will be painting story cloths for our Mission Team to use on the Brazil Mission Trip! These cloths will illustrate the Bible stories they will be telling to share the Gospel! Please sign up at the bulletin board.
Women's Missions Program: Wednesday, May 22 at 6pm in room 106.
CentriKid Summer Camp: Final payment is due on Sunday, May 26!
VBS Parade: Everyone is welcome to join us as we spread the word about VBS in our community on Wednesday, May 29. Meet at the FLC at 5pm.
Headsets are available at the sound board (back of the sanctuary) for the hearing impaired.