It was tempting when I wrote this email subject line to turn it into a gag. An invitation, a book cover and a blurb walk into a bar....
Over to you. Writing gags isn't really my thing, but if anyone wants to have a go at writing the rest - fill your boots as we like to say over here. Alternatively, you could just hit reply.
Anyway, where was I? Oh yes - this isn't a gag. I do hope it will put a smile on your face though.
Drum roll.....
The exciting news is that Restitution - my next gripping psychological thriller - will be released on Thursday 10th of March 2022.
Would you like an Advance Review Copy?
If you would, all you have to do is click the big ol' link just below. But there's more, so keep reading.
Already a valued member of my ARC team? You don't have to do anything. Unless you can't remember. In which case click the big ol' link again.
If you join up, you'll get a full version eBook copy of Restitution one month before official release. This is not a sample, not a draft, but the final polished product. All I ask in return is that you leave an honest review on Amazon on publication day. Unless you hate the book, in which case just email me and tell me why.
Not sure if you want to be an Advance Reviewer? Here's the cover and the blurb.