Constant readers,

I am blessed that my feed is filled with creative projects and great new books from people I like and admire.

This week I discovered two worth sharing:

A new history podcast called Written World. Each episode is a story from the annals of history. "What I’ve learned," Kevin says about the new show, which is constructed from research done for his archaeological thriller novels. "...the world is a weird place."

I listened to "Ah Puch - The Mayan God of Death" this morning. You all know I'm a sucker for Mayan mythology. My first novel pays homage to that tradition. There are a total of three episodes available now, with more on the way.

The other is a book called Chainworld, a science fantasy adventure that mixes time travel with magic.

How do you escape an enemy who can follow you everywhere and everywhen?

Shryke knows you can’t, yet still he runs for his life. There are horrors buried deep in his memory that have been locked away from him by some secret magic. All he knows is that he is the Quantum Assassin, and he stands alone against the end of everything – the lone warrior in a war he can’t hope to win.

The first in a series, Chainworld is now available in audio, ebook, and paperback.

Get Chainworld now >



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