For me it’s wealth. I know I want to allow more money into my life,
but why? Yes I do need to move house and pay the bills, but who enjoys earning money just to pay it out on bills? It’s not a
great motivator in itself as it stems from worry.
So I rephrased the
question: How will money change my life, what will it allow me to do
that I think I can’t do at the moment? After much meditation, I realised
money would give me the stability and freedom to explore creativity so I
could play. Creative play is what I really want to do, not simply earn money and pay bills.
The WHY is the breakthrough to success, know that and you’ll know WHY
your resolution is important, how it’s going to improve your life and
why you REALLY want it.
So in the spirit of creation I started a new job this month
working at a forest school, teaching SEND kids in the
woods. This week we tried making glue from potatoes, milk and vinegar.
Did it work? No - it was too cold, and the glue resembled Zombie brains.
Did we have fun? Yes.
Was it aligned with my aim for the year? Yes, it's enabling money and creative play, so it’s definitely the right job for me (I’m sure
I’ll get used to going to work wearing 7 jumpers and 3 coats in time…)
So if you want any help nailing down what you REALLY want to do this
year click here to download your free Wheel of Satisfaction so you
can start living the life you really want. And if you know what you want
but are feeling stuck, I’m offering brand new ‘Declutter Your Life’
and sound healing sessions this month – see below.