Healthy Lands Week starts tomorrow and we hope you have found an event or two that intrigues you. There are volunteer trail maintenance events, garden clean-ups, general beautification and spruce-up opportunities, festivals and celebrations, and to wrap up the week, of course, Walks in Penn's Woods.
A few individual WIPW events are listed on the Healthy Lands Week website along with a general listing containing a link to the PA Forestry Association's "find a walk" calendar listing. It seems as though I am adding a new event or two every day so be sure and check back as the week progresses to see what you might have missed.
Naturally, you can "design your own adventure." The idea is to appreciate and steward the places that benefit us all - so take a trash bag on your outdoor excursions and report any major maintenance concerns you discover to the appropriate managing agency.
We'll all be the better for your concern!