How To Evaluate Advice Nobody knows what's best for you, but it's always great to get helpful advice. On the other hand, if you act upon poor advice, you might put yourself in a tight spot. Learn how to weed out what is useful and relevant, vs what others might be projecting on you.
How to hire, onboard and work with an Executive Assistant There are many ways to build leverage in your life, and one of them is delegating tasks that drain your energy to a capable person who you can rely on. This is an amazing step-by-step guide written by a true operator that dives deep into how to hire, onboard and effectively communicate with your EA. (P.S. Shoutout to my amazing EA and friend, Chai for being an incredible support)
How the poinsettia took over Christmas A fun deep dive into how the striking, bright-red poinsettia rose to popularity.