Shout-out and kudos to board member Eric Madden, recipient of the WTS (Women's Transportation Seminar) Central PA Honorable Ray LaHood Award for his work for advancement of women and minorities in the transportation field. Named for President Obama's Transportation Secretary, the Ray LaHood Award has been given each year since 2015 to:
- A man who has led by example, seeks out opportunities to advance and advocate for women in his own organization, and actively ensures that women are able to compete for key positions of authority within that organization.
- A man has directly contributed toward the advancement of women and minorities through programs or opportunities in the transportation field.
- A man who has made an outstanding contribution to the transportation industry.
Eric is Vice President and Deputy Chief Marketing Officer with Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson and has been a vital member of our board since 2020. Coming on board as he did just before the pandemic, we know firsthand just how thoroughly he engages in the positions to which he commits - come what may!
Congratulations, Eric!