Barry Newman in Vanishing Point.

One of the most iconic 'looks' of the movies in the 1970s is the scraggly hero who goes up against the 'man': Elliot Gould in M*A*S*H, Dennis Hopper in Easy Rider, and of course:

This movie's got other '70s tropes:

The extended car chase. A hippie encounter. Drugs. Speed. And... an iconic vehicle:

a 1970 Challenger.

Like all 1970s hero movies (spoiler) it ends in tragedy with our hero exploding in a fireball (as is with Easy Rider, Dirty Mary Crazy Larry, Bonnie and Clyde). Making the two hours you invested in the hero pointless. Ridley Scott was to bring back that formula in 1991 with Thelma and Louise.

It's a weird unconscious connection that works in Mayfield Eight, by 1970s throwback comic book, with part Three, "Faster, Faster!" where I too use that same car. This time the Challenger is a gussied up police cruiser, driven by a mean, hard as nails state trooper:

Officer Gene Sturgeon.

Tougher than Dirty Harry, more vindictive than Charles Bronson in Deathwish, Sturgeon has his own interpretation of the law. Is he on the side of good? Find out on November 10 on Kickstarter!

"I've been building this, and building this, and building this... You come along and fuck it all up."

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You can still buy both issues One and Two of Mayfield Eight my Shopify store!

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