Good Day
This week has been Spring Cleaning week! Both in the home and the Store. In the home tins of paint that haven’t seen the light of day for over a year get their annual injection of sunlight. Curtains, carpets and cushions have all been subject to a thorough battering. I must say it looks to me just the same as it did before the massive assault, but I guess cleaner. Next week I am going to make a start on the store which does need updating. That’s a hard one for me as I am a bit close to it to see it. Of course, I don’t actually use it. At the end of the day its there for you the client. So, if there is anything you think I could do to improve it or, features you would like to see I’d love to hear your ideas.
The Spring clean continued in store. I managed to list and put away hundreds of bits and pieces that get left behind over the weeks. Some areas that spring to mind are: Somaliland Protectorate, Rhodesia and Nyasaland and KUT all in the Africa Section. Plus, good runs of West indies items particularly British Honduras in the West Indies Section. As always with across the range additions I can’t send you to one place to see them. So best advice is: a look in your favourite sections could well reward.
I hope you manage to dodge the paint brushes and would love to hear any suggestions re the site that you may have? Above all though please just have a nice weekend.
Kindest Regards